Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Darlings, It Is Time To Sort Some Things Out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, as you know, it has been an emotionally frenzied week, and already Thursday is again looming, and another Bitch Of The Week has to be selected. Hardly anyone--even "Fatal Attraction's" own Alex Forrest--could top the scum who made it last week--more on them later--so the task facing us here tomorrow is more daunting than it ever has been.

But, first, let me make it clear that in ANY production of "The Little Foxes," I AM Regina! Sure, I have tha acting chops to play Aunt Birdie, but hell who would when up against the challenge of playing Regina, bitching at everyone in sight, and chewing every piece of scenery on stage. Even in this New York Theater Works version of "The Little Foxes," which I am told plays like "Melrose Place Redux," Regina is a force to be reckoned with. So why wouldn't I want to play her, and why shouldn't I, lambs???? Make no mistake, though, girls, I can PLAY Regina, but if you read my posts of last week, it is clear I am NOT Regina!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Meanwhile, poor Jonathan Franzen. He can't go anyplace without something happening to him!!!!!!!!! Just recently, in a bookstore in London--yes, London, girls!--to promote his much lauded "Freedom," two alleged bookstore workers pranced up onstage, grabbed his glasses, made off with them and demanded a $100k ransom!!!!!!!!!! I mean, girls, if it was Judy Garland's 'Oz' dress or ruby slippers. OK, but Jonathan Franzen's glasses!!!!!!!

I would like to make it clear to all and sundry that neither I nor my acolytes had anything to do with this stunt. I have my OWN glasses, lambs, which suit me just fine, and if I wanted to get my hands on $100K fast, I would come up with something more imaginative than this. i am just glad our dreamy Mr. Franzen got his signature specs back, and had the graciousness not to press charges. You can bet I would have, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!

And speaking of charges, the Tyler Clementi case drags on. Now those two scum, Miss Wei, especially, are proclaiming no bias, and Miss Wei is furthermore saying she had nothing to do with it! Yeah, right! Come on, you bitch, I have seen enough 'SVU' to guess she is cutting some deal whereby she testifies against Ravi and gets either a lesser sentence or walks. I don't care what sentence is handed out, as long as these two characters do time.

Do you realize that our sweet, precious, Tyler, even amidst despaair, wrote 'Sorry' on his Facebook page before casting himself into the abyss. Those two words--"I'm sorry!" has yet to be heard from either Ravi, Wei, OR their parents, in relation to not only Tyler, but the Clementi family as well. I know everyone is entitled to a fair trial, and attorneys have to do their jobs, but what is the matter with these two indefensible scum? Apparently, from the parents' behavior, or lack of it, they are just tranfering what they learned at home to their lives. I hope those lives are soon to get a reckoning by some kind of prison sentence.

Meantime, girls, in the face of all this, we have to think about tkts to "Me, Myself And I," "The Divine Sister," reading "The House Of Mirth," and carrying on our lives as gorgeously as we can, girls. Thank God for Monsieur Davide, and of course "The Golden Girls!"

May all MY girls stay golden--naturally or with bottled aid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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