Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Darlings, I Never Would Have Thought Of Florida As Being Liberal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, it may be called the Sunshine State, but depending on how you look at it Florida can be viewed as a right-wing bastion, God's Waiting Room (ie; waiting to die) or the state that destroyed my family, when so many relations bought into that Jim Dooley nonsense of "Come OOOOOOOON down!" and how great the place is. Which is a lot of crap; I said it then, and I say it now. Maybe "The Golden Girls", and especially Rue McLuhan has done something to temper that outlook, but mark my words, I do not plan on pulling up stakes anytime soon to move to Florida!!!!!!!!!!!!

So you can imagine my surprise when I saw, on Orlando's Central Florida 13, a piece decrying bullying and calling out for justice for other students in the name of Tyler Clementi. Yes, dears, the struggle still goes on, and I am proud to say that there are still some out there, like myself, who are going to fight this fight to the most conclusive conclusion.

Girls, it does my heart good to see women stepping into the fray. One such is Samantha Fichter in "The Waltonian," who calls for action in the area of bullying, while another says in same journal that Tyler Clementi's death needs to be kept in the public eye as a warning against further tragedies. Then there is Penny Patterson in the Santa Barbara Independent, a lipstick lesbian, no less, who not only recounts her own struggles with bullying, but charges that what the perps did should be looked on as involuntary manslaughter. And I for one am in complete agreement.

But then, of course, Rutgers and Jersey lawmakers are hedging their bets, hoping the whole thing will go away. Well, it will not, and do not forget, girls, to get those calls in to the New York Philharmonic. We will not rest until action is achieved, and that action is justice for Tyler in a way that brings it to others, and provides to his grief stricken family peace and closure. There can be no such until Rutgers and others wake up and admit to the consequences of such acts, and that by covering it up they are only adding themselves to the culpable.

Well, I am here to say, darlings, that Mischeif Night is coming up, on Saturday, and I think some office windows on Rutgers need a good soaping, pouring on of shaving cream, or maybe some good, old fashioned editorial graffiti along these lines to remind authority figures there what is expected of them, and what responsibility they have both to the student body AND Tyler Clementi's family.

So while we gather together our make-up and candy, think about what needs to be and can be done in these instances. If action is not taken, you can bet another kid with potential for good will be destroyed. It should not have happeend with Tyler, but it must not happen again!!!!!!!!!!!

And if you go out on Mischief Night, girls, make sure it is designer garb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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