Thursday, October 28, 2010

Darlings, Throw The Book At This Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, this week's winner not only earns the distinction of being named such, but also ties in nicely with the ongoing debate that continues to fuel over the Tyler Clementi tragedy, and cries out for more justice for Tyler!!!!!!!

The winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award is Midland School District Vice President Clint McCance.

Now, darlings, just his being from Arkansas speaks volumes; you know he is a big old redneck right-winger. And with a name like that, it is no wonder. But these alone do not earn him our distinction. It is what he did.

Mr. McCance, on his own Facebook page, published a rant, saying, in effect, that he wanted gay people to committ suicide. Excuse me???????????? Didn't you know this would get out to the world at large???? McCance is really gunning here; not only does he manage to insult Tyler Clementi, his family and friends, the American gay community, but all his colleagues in the Arkansas Department of Education, who have to bear the brunt of being labeled as thinking like this boob. And it does not help that the Department says, in lip service, that while they deplore Mr. McCance's actions, they cannot deal with him directly, because he is an elected official. I say roast this porked pig over a spit, though I am sure his meat would be rancid. At the very least, suspend the boob, consign him to his trashy trailer where he can sit in his dirty underwear, fat belly distending, watching trash TV and scarfing down Doritos. Sounds like his aesthetic level. The department seems to be saying it is easier just to ignore Mr. McCance, but I am telling you, in the words of Miss Alex Forrest from "Fatal Attraction," "We will not be ignored!" Doing so only insures that such utterings will come further from McCance and others out there who think like him, and thus will now feel free to verbalize outright, just as he did. I am telling you, girls, if action against him is not taken, the Arkansas Department of Education shares in the blame not only of McCance, but everything right down to Tyler Clementi's death. How much more do we have to take until justice is meted???? In the immortal words of the immortal Maria Rainer Rilke,"Who, if I were to cry out, would hear me among the angelic orders?"

And then to compound McCance's bigotry, we have Miss Kathleen O'Brien's ignorance. In her column for today's NJ Star Ledger, she infers that all the anti-bullying legislation that is being thought out will not make a bit of difference to Tyler Clementi, since he is deceased, and since we really do not know, according to her, why he killed himself.

Stating the obvious is obtuse. Stating the other is ignorant. While it is true we cannot bring Tyler back, and that we literally cannot go inside his mindset, it is pretty conclusive that, had he been allowed to go about his personal business, not have his sexuality mocked in the vile way it was, we would not be writing about him now, as none of us would have heard of him. How many times does this have to be reiterated???? I guess as many times as there are idiots like Miss 0'Brien in the world. I will say her syntax is impressive, which leaves me thinking she would be best writing for a publication other than the Star Ledger. Personally, I would suggest the National Enquirer or the Weekly World News.

But she cannot be held accountable for anything save ignorance. McCance adds bigotry to that, which makes him the scumbag he is, and earns him the distinction of being Bitch Of The Week!!!!!!!!

Sometimes I feel like a bitch myself, girls, after writing one of these columns. Which is why once I publish, I think of something nice like "Gigi," and go my merry way!!!!!!!!!!!!

Three more days till Halloween, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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