Thursday, October 21, 2010

Darlings, We Finally Have A Worthy Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, when you do a weekly column like Bitch Of The Week, it is inevitable some weeks will be tougher than others. That said, so far this one was the toughest, with me initially sitting down to write, with no conclusive winner, whatsoever. I had resigned myself to a fictitious bitch this week, related to the book I am currently reading. I was not happy with the selection, but the character, whom I will not reveal, did qualify. But then I hunted around before writing, and bingo! I hit pay dirt. For not only does our current winner qualify as an absolute bitch, he ties in appropriately to the social debacle you have heard me write about, and no doubt will continue to hear me on, namely the tragic death of Tyler Clementi!!!!!

Now, I realize about Freedom of Speech. But, then, how do you measure it up against something like the Holocaust, for example??? You can't. In the wake of Tyler Clementi the inevitable detractors--people like the recently chosen Andrea Peyser either want to put the honus where it does not belong, rather than on the incipient homophobia that is SO UNIQUELY present in America, just like the teachers I had in Highland Park never wanted to deal with anything, feeling safer hiding behind their overt favortism of moneyed princesses like the aforementioned--at least on here, loves--Diane and Roberta, to name a few!!!!!! And this week's winner perfectly ties in with all this.

The winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award is--Elie Mystal!!!!!!!!!!

I wonder if that is short for Eliot, loves, because, when I first saw the name, I thought Mr. Mystal was a woman.

What he is is someone who is associated with something abysmal sounding called "Above The Law." Hell, I don't watch or listen to such crap, so I think I am safe in guessing that this is some kind of right wing broadcast garbage!!!! With all the good work out there to enact anti-bullying laws and practices, seeking to create a safer environment than those in my day, on up to Tyler's, have had, it is inevitable there would surface opponents to these measures. Hell, even Rutgers University is culpable, with its editorial suggesting Tyler's death was less everything else it has been declared, and more the tragic act of a young man unable to deal with the initial hardhsips of life. Excuse me????????? But of course, it is fairly obvious to realize that whomever wrote this tripe was FORCED to by higher ups, maybe even by negligent University President Richard McCormick!!!!!!!

Which brings us back to Mr. Mystal. His position is simply that "bad things happen to everybody." Fuck you!!!! The really sick thing is--he claims he was bullied as a child. Now, Mr. Mystal happens to be Black, which begs the question about minority culpability in all this--if he, as he says, has known bullying/discrimination in some way, yet chooses to sweep it under the carpet, then he is as guilty in his own way as Ravi and Wei, whose minority status is one of many factors that SHOULD HAVE, but DID NOT, give them enough insight so that what happened to Tyler should not have occured. Alas, they did not, and Mystal seems to be going along. My guess is two things--all are unable to wrap themselves around the specter of Sexual Orientation Difference that surrounds Tyler's and others' tragedies, preferring to blame it on anything else but; second, I am just willing to bet that Mr. Mystal is from the Byrant Gumbel school of Black Social Cosciousness, which decrees that as soon as you are able to successfully remove yourself from the limitations of your birth community, seguing more into a mainstream--in this case White--one, you renounce what has gone before, which in Mystal's case takes the form of right wing posturing and probably alleigance to the Republican, or, God Forbid, Tea parties, while Mr. Gumbel lives his high life, while continuuing to allow his mother to work as a maid, without using his vastly career acquired fortune to help her out a bit!!!!! And you talk about Merle Oberon???? She may have passed her Mother off as her maid, but AT LEAST it was with the mother's consent, and that moter was kept by Merle's side, in her house, not put in some slave cottage, so the mother at least reaped SOME benefits of Merle's Golden Age Hollywood lifestyle!!!!!!!!

But, honey, lest you think I am trampling on etnic minorities here, let me hold a few of my own species up to the light!!!! When it comes to Selling Out, it is an equal opportunity vice, and none sadden me more than gay men, who, as soon as they progress vocationally and financially, they retreat from the cities they initiallly fled to, back to the suburban enclaves they seek to now assert themselves in, when they were not accepted in the first place. These are the type of gay men who revere Andrew Sullivan ("A Place At The Table"--ugh!!!!!!!) as a demagogue, while joining closet conservative groups like the Log Cabin (read:Gay Republicans) club, which, for all their mainstream posturings, will never accept them fully, despite what they may think. And you thought I was just talking about Blacks? Hell, look at the Darvis and Weis; there is enough sellout to go around for everyone.

So Mr. Mystal fits perfectly into this rubric, which makes him so timely and ideal as our Bitch Of The Week. The other thing he and these others are guilty of is fingerpointing to cover themselves; instead of pointing where it needs to, they point it elsewhere, most especially at the Gay community itself, whom they accuse of exploiting Tyler Clementi. As one who has personally been to vigils and the GWB walk, I can safely say I have seen no signs of exploitation. In fact, I have seen not only gays, but straights, young and old, reaching out in response to this tragedy. You put Tyler's iconic image on a coffee mug, T-Shirt, or cooke, THEN we can talk about exploitation, but not before. These accusers have said his family should be allowed to grieve, but have they so much as reached out to them???? At last Saturday's walk, it was mentioned the Clementi family had been informed, and were aware of what was going on, but politely declined to attend, stating their deep appreciation. I call this classy. Not to reach out to the family is inhumane; they certainly more than anyone have the right to grieve in their own way, buy Tyler's ending his all too short life is somewhat Capraesque (much as I have issues with "It's A Wonderful Life") in that it has touched millions around the world. This is not exploitation, and I am sure the Clementis understand this. It is the Capra axim of one life touching so many others at work in a way unseen before that signals nd may pave the way for more self-awareness, and avoidance of further tragic losses of talent and individuality. So don't talk exploitation to me, you scum, when all you are determined to do is shove your self-righteous Right Wingism down oue throats. I say, let's regurgitate, and make them CHOKE on it!!!!!!!

That's right; choke on it, you bitches!!!!!! And choke on this, Mr. Mystal. Not only do you now have the distinction of having been named Bitch Of The Week, but you have to live each day with your own self-imposed hypocrisy!!!!!! How do you do that, I wonder!!!!!!!

Almost teatime, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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