Thursday, October 21, 2010

Darlings, The Cry For Social Justice Goes On!!!!!!!!!

Girls, I have just found out a Rutgers based gay group called Queer The Air is holding a rally/protest in honor of Tyler Clementi, and is delivering a letter to President Richard McCormick, demanding Rutgers get busy and deal with the issues around this tragedy it needs to. The demands call for:

Creating a gender neutral housing situation,
that is friendly to the LGBT community, and
changing residential screening practices to
be more in accordance with this goal.

Establish committees with LGBT students,
faculty and staff to review policies and
procedures on harassment complaints and
student services.

Empower a committee to investigate events
leading up to Tyler Clementi's suicide,
and determined options to provide for a
safer campus.

All of which are rather goals, and it is time Rutgers got out from under its
cloak of negligence, especially President McCormick, because I have had it! This
is, after all, the hometown university that rejected me several decades ago, for discernible reason I can see (especially as I got into some bigger and more prestigious places) than ny being gay!!!!! But this was New Brunswick, where my white trash uncle tried to homophobically brutalize me, as did his second daughter at the time, who has gone on to be such a suburban hypocrite I would like now to venture what might have transpired, had one of heer progeny turned out to be gay!!!!
Either she would have thrown them out, as her father certainly would have, in this case, or she would hypocritically go the other way and become a rabid PFLAGer, as she will willingly defame other, like me, her cousin, but NEVER her own children!!!!!! And you think I am about to FORGET?????? Hah!!!!!!!!!

As for McCormick, if Rutgers does not respond after this, it points more fingers
at it and him. McCormick has already been uncoperative in turning over emails and communications related to the Clementi incident to the authorities, which does not place him OR the school in a good light. Only both are too stupid to realize it. Now, I can't do anything to shut down Rutgers, nor can I manufacture the dismissal of McCormick. But I CAN suggest that if, after this, he does NOT take any responsibility, he DESERVES to be tied to a cross in an S and M club, and sucked off by a twinkie bottom, with a transcription sent to his wife, to let her know not only what a hypocrite her husband is, but give her a lesson in fellatio, which any gay man can do better than a woman, darlings!!!! Of course this is all MY opinion, but I am giving it, so THERE!!!!!

Girls, I want to see you power outed tonight at the rally. You supported me at the vigil, and at the GWB, now do it here!!!! And do it for Tyler, and others in the wings, so that this never happens again. You can bet I will follow what transpires VERY closely, and I will get back to all my girls, you better believe it!!!!! How Are Things In Glocca Mora? Fuck that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And fuck you, Rutgers, McCormick, and New Brunswick if you do not take action NOW. You are only proving that the provincial, white trash and intolerant environment that I grew up in but successfully escaped from, not only still exists, but in some ways has gotten worse!!!!! You all make me sick!!!!! You ARE ALL WORKING WITHIN A CURSED ENVIRONMENT, AND YOU DESERVE TO BE CURSED!!!!! So I curse you!!!!!!!!!!

Honestly, you know how much energy it takes to be a crsading bitch???? I have been at this for most of the day!!! But I will not let up until retribution, that is, justice for Tyler and others, is achieved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The social scene, darlings, is bitchier, but lots easier to write about!!!!!
Stay on top of things, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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