Friday, October 22, 2010

Darlings, This Isn't Over; Not By A Long Shot!!!!!!

Girls, today in the press, it is reported that even after last night's protest and rally, Rutgers is moving on after Tyler Clementi. Well, I am here to say that until justice is meted, I will NOT move on. Poor Tyler was unfortunate in having no one to turn to who could speak for him, nor was he experienced enough to speak for himself. So I am appointing myself in the role of Tyler's Earthly Emissary, and I am here to say, babycakes, that it ain't over!!!! Hell, it ain't even BEGUN!!!!!!

President McCormick is still hiding behind the mantle of non disclosure while an investigation is going on. Bullshit!!!!! Boogers!!!!!! And why has nothing been done on the investigation, as far as I can tell? What is being waited for? Why can't the Ravis and Weis have the decency to offer condolences to the Clementis????
Of Course, Rutgers is in a hurrry to move on; so they can forget what they consider an elephant or albatross, while the needs of LGBQT students go ignored, setting the stage, if not at Rutgers, then elsewhere for another Tyler Clementi tragedy!!!!!!

Girls, I will NOT rest until Tyler is attained some justice, and his family granted some piece and closure. I am beginning to wonder if the heterosexuals should be kicked off Manhattan, which the gays have made their own, thanks to superb taste, and relegated to the doldrums of Queens, while the lesbians get dumped on Staten Island!!! Don't expect to see this in MY lifetime girls, but if things keep going on, it may come to this. At least Staten Island has plenty of room for all the lesbian pickup trucks and U-Hauls.

Today marks a month since Tyler was taken from us. Yes, he WAS taken, and he is NOT a muederer, as some maintain. He was MURDERED by the homophobic provincialism of two students from the exceptionally provincial and homophobic state of New Jersey. No wonder my white trah relatives thrived here!!!! Well, Tyler, your murder will not be forgotten, nor your death for naught. I will fight this thing vigorously until I have won. And if I spend the rest odf my days fighting it, then so be it. If I turn out to br the Jack McCoy of the Internet, then so be it!!!!
Kiss my ass, and go to Hell, you sons of bitches!!!!!!! Today marks a month since Tyler, and we are no less over it than before, nor will we ever forget. Nor must we, for else the battle will be lost!!!

We must win, girls!!!! And in tulle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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