Saturday, October 23, 2010

Darlings, It Is Getting Scary Out There!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, they certainly are, and not just because Halloween is literally around the corner. And before you start thinking things are finished with the Tyler Clementi situation, rest assured, there will be another entry right after this one, and will continue to be each day, until I feel justice has been meted. And as can be seen from how things have gone SO far, that is going to be a long time!!!!!!!!

But back to scary matters at hand. Yesterday began for me with a cal from my firend Harvey, with the most tragic news. We have this mutual friend, John, who, due to declining health, was transitioned into a NYC nursing home. Said place was said to be shutting down, so John was relocated to a facility on the Uppeer East Side, where he is getting comfort and care. So far, so good.

Now, all of John's matters were being handled by this fellow we all know, Paul, a very successful businessman--successful enough to have a place in Manhattan, one on Long Island, and to have purchased a house for his parents, also on Long Island. Nice, fellow, Paul, pleasant, easy to talk to, with a lot on his plate, yet somehow able to handle it.

Well, according to Harvey, Tuesday morning of this week, Paul was killed in a car collision, somewhere out around Patchouge, also on Long Island. It was 6am, and he was driving south--where or why is anyone's guess--whem, for nop reason at all, he swerved into the northbound lane, and collided with another car!!!! As is the irony in many of these cases, the driver of the other car survived, but Paul was killed, instantly, or rather quickly, at least, as he was pronounced DOA at the hospital he was taken to!!!!! I always thought Paul, who was both very mature AND mature looking, was around my age. But he was ONLY 44!!!!!!!!!

My God, girls, can you believe it???? There is going to be a toxicology report, which I want to know, because I am curious to know what caused Paul--who was not the careless sort--to do this. Sleep deprivation??? Alcohol???
Meds or drugs???? The Raving Queen is on it, darlings, and, believe me let you know!!!!!

All of us who knew Paul are in a great deal of shock, as we wonder not only what will come out of all this, but how it will affect John, not only emotionally, but situationally????? I can only hope that Ted, Paul's lawyer, has a contingency plan, that will keep John protected and comfortable, for the good of his declining health????

And THIS, girls, is how my day STARTED!!!!!!!!

On to less scary, but relevant things. The Walter Reade is having a Scary Movie 4 fest, with ersatz horror film, a few classics like "Dead of Night" and "Carrie" (Sissy Spacek's Carrie, NOT Jennifer Jones'!!!!), while the Brick Theatre Company in farout Williamsburg, Broooklyn, is mounting a stage adaptation of Ed Wood's 1958 classic, "Plan 9 From Outer Space." Darlings, I am just dying to see this one, for one reason alone--who is playing the Vampira role? I mean, no one could top Malia Nardi as Vampira, and who today could boast of such a waistline??? You can be sure, at this point, loves, I can't, though I recall how back in the day, we ALL wanted to have the Vampira waistline!!!!! The fingernails are a cinch, but that waistline!!!!!!!

But these are events unique to the season of Halloween, which only happens once a year. But to those who reside in the West Village in Manhattan, the other 364 are even scarier, as the sun goes down, and especially on the weekends. Now, you recall how, in Todd Browning's 1931 classic "Dracula," the sun went down, the camera zoomed in on the coffin slowly opening, the armadillo scattered, as a hand crept out into the night???? Well, something happens in the West Village, only as the armadillos scatter, the hand creeps out, pushes its weight forward, coffins break, and out from them roll fat, evil LESBIANS, who emerge from their daytime lairs to trudge to whatever watering hole (Henrietta's being the most popular) to covet attractive female flesh, which theirs is urely not, and to more than likely lament collectively on how the WORLD OF MEN has sabotaged their lives!!!! I am telling you, girls, this is more scary than anything yet reported, and woe to any man out at night who encounter these lascivious creatures, and beholds their Gorgon-like stare. I have been told that simply staring them back, and saying "Boo!" to their face, will send them scurrying, excusme mem I mean waddling, off!!!!!!!!

Yes, girls, the world is a scarier place than we think, and getting moreso all the time, which is why I am telling you daily accessorization has never been more important!!!!! Make sure you look your best when out, whether prowling, or at important social engagements! Which means as the year winds down, the engagements will increase, which means I have to accessorize myself, girls, so see you soon on the carpet of Social Whirl, and beware of EVIL LESBIANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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