Saturday, October 23, 2010

Darlings, You Know Damn Well We Care More Than Just About The Bleeding Crowd!!!!!!

Well, girls, the Rutgers rally was held, the letter delivered, and still that plug ugly McCormick is not dealing with things. I hope that when it is time for the Clementi family to step up to bat--and believe me, darlings, having retained a lawyer of their own, THEY WILL!!!!--McCormick and his minions are nailed to the wall!!!! Getting back to his ugliness, what I said about him in an S and M bar???? Well, let me just say, he would relgated to the farthest, darkest corner of such an establishment, because, let me tell you, loves, only the pretty ones whip abd get whipped up front, in full light. And Richard McCormick is NOT a pretty one!!!!!!!

With all that has happened, I cannot believe there are still some out there who are seeking to blame the victim in all this. I just read a piece stating that Tyler should, basically, have been more abstentious in his actions, not even having sex in his dorm?????

Excuse me, but something is wrong here!!!!! This is the social backlash once again of consigning homosexuality to the spot where we know it exists, but as long as it is not talked about, it really doesn't. College is all about making discoveries for yourself when young--and one of those is sexual?? Where was Tyler supposed to do this, huh??? In a peep show booth??? The New Brunswick terain station bathroom??? The backseat of his own car???? Not only are these risky and dangerous locales, they harken back to a time when sex between men must be done quickly and surreptitiuously, as that is all they are entitled to in society. Once upon a time, that WAS the case, which is why William Eythe had to be bailed out for consorting in a NYC subway Men's Room, so that he could make opening night in "Out Of This World." AND why he probably became a big time alcoholic, who, at the young age of 38, died, after drinking himself to death.

But you figure, Tyler was living in a more enlightened time, though from what happened, I have to wonder. It is time I said that from what I have read about Tyler, I find him truly admirable--intelligent, warm and giving, an accomplished violinist AND unicyclist (!!!!!)--and you have to hand it to him. With his own car, driving skills, laptop, and the courage to reach out and experiment sexually within weeks of arriving at college, Tyler, at 18m was a good deal more self reliant than I was at his age, which shows, had hwe been allowed to continue for himself, he would have made some amazing contrbutions on artistic and social fronts. Which is why his loss is so tragic, and why I am vigorously fighting on his behalf, until I am satisfied that society metes out some kind of justice.

And if I am not satisfied, then I will have to take some Harper Anderson justice of my own. BUT, as the rally today in the Village states we musr STOP THE VIOLENCE, which means that if I retaliate, it must be in a non-violent way. Especially since the lovely and engaging Monsieur davide does not improve of violence. But that remains to be seen; I shall have to come up with something clever and non-violent, but belive you me, this bitch knows more than one way to skin the proverbial cat!!!!!!

But this refers to a futre we do not know about yet. What I can tell you for certain, girls, is that The Raving Queen is on the beat when it comes to Tyler Clementi. We wish him to rest in peace, but the issues he raised must not, if society is to improve. So stay tuned, girls, because I will update you as frequently on this, as I have on what has been emerging from Anna's office!!!!!

Justice for Tyler Clementi, darlings!!!! And if it comes to us all ending up in court, in an SVU free-for-all, may ouur nails all be painted, and may we all look as good as Marcia Gay Harden as FBI Agent Starr!!!!!!

You are all MY stars, loves!!!!!!!!!!!

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