Sunday, October 24, 2010

Darlings, Only Bad Witches Are Ugly!!!!!!

Girls, remember when Billie Burke said that to Judy Garland in my all-time favorite film, "The Wizard Of Oz?" Well, I want to use that to clarify something I did not mention yesterday, when talking about evil lesbians. Only the BIG, FAT, LESBIANS are evil!!!!!! The rest are harmless.

The proof is in last night, when Monsieur Davide and I had a scrmptious Afghani meal with a charming, intellectual (yes, girls, intellectual!!!) lesbian named Avive!!!! And earler in the week we dined at Cafe Cluny with the charming non-lesbian, Virginia, she of the Jane Austen and Barbara Pym socieities. Virginia reads like ME, darlings, and you better believe she knows her literature, not to mention she would make a brilliant Miss Collins in "Portrait Of A Madonna" and Aunt Birdie in "The Little Foxes!!!!" You would think, girls, that with all this dining out, the week was just a social whirl! Well, it was not; in fact, there was a good deal of social activism, which will be thorughly accounted, via the latest installment, in the next entry on this blog. Meanwhile, loves, I am off and running to Flushing, to visit Monsieur Davide's glamorous Aunt Bea, and then on to a dance perfcormance in Kew Gardens. Girls, what I need is a couple of Frozen Margaritas, or at least some Bloody Marys. And LARGE ones, like what they serve at the Riviera Cafe!!!!!!!

Meanwhile, a new week beckons, so, like Grace Slick said one apocryphal morning at Woodstock, "It's a new dawn!!!!!" Dress your best, and maintain your posture, darlings!!!!! Love to you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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