Monday, October 25, 2010

Darlings, The Divisions Are Closing In Further!!!!!!

Girls, it is appalling--I am telling you, appalling--to consider that Robert O'Brien, the gay faculty and advocate at Rutgers througout the whole Tyler Clementi tragedy, up till now, that is, is doing an almost about face, saying blame must be shifted away from the students and to social perceptions. No one, especiallt The Raving Queen, girls, has EVER denied these played a terrible part in this young man's inexcusable death. But let us not forget that this inexcusability was caused BY the two students who, basically, video violated Tyler.

0'Brien is now saying Darvi and Wei should not br demonized. That to do so is an example of anti-Asian racism. Oh, really? No one has suggested racism was a motive here; and IF these two are being demonized (which is not difficult to do, given the results of what they did), first, it is deservedly so, and second, they are not being so because of race, but because of the vileness of their dead and its tragic consequences. Clearly, this indicates to me that someone higher up, administratively speaking, got to O'Brien, who hitherto has been suppoetive throughout the tragedy, and is pressuring him to shift suport to Ravi and Wei. Which speaks volumes about how Rutgers just wants to cover up the whole thing, even to the point of forgetting Tyler Clementi was a srudent on campus.

Well, The Raving Queen, darlings, is not about to let THAT happen. Support comes from the Quo Vadis nespaper, whose reporter, Aaron Clark, asks, "Where Was The Righteous Anger?" For, while all the groups, students and organizations who rose to the occasion to face this horrible tragedy and do tribute to a lovely young man deserve full credit, shame to the equally large amount who did not. Like the Targum editorialists, who had the NERVE to write Tyler's suicide was no more than a kid's inability to handle what they coined "the hardships of life?" Oh, yeah??? Handle THIS, you scum!!!! Clark's piece maintains that when counselors and other adults discussed the suicide with many students, they shrugged in apathy that it was unfortunate, but what could they do???? This is is the kind of attitude that breeds other Tyler Clementis, and the next one could very well be among them, if they are not careful. Indeed, I knew people in intervening weeks to whom I would mention Tyler's name--THIS, after all the media play--and they STILL said "Who Is Tyler Clementi?" THAT got me angry; believe me, darlings!!!!!!!! Rest assured, Tyler will not go unmentioned here till justice is meted. I say it, and I say it AGAIN.

And isn't it interesting, girls, how O'Brien now seems to want to play the race card??? Which administrator told him to do that???? I guess Rutgers staff, students and faculty must be as controllable as the Bill Baird Marionettes doing "The Lonely Goatherd" in "The Sound Of Music." Just not as talented.

If you want to talk about race here--how about THIS--IF Ravi and Wei walk, they need to be taught a lesson in who paved the way for their overtly privileged lifestyle--ie; their ancestors and predecessors, before them!!!!! Ravi should be assigned a year's work in the rice fields of India, OR an urban IndiaN street corner, with a flute, a basket, and a cobra inside!!!! OK!!!! Meanwhile, Wei needs to read "The Good Earth" by Pearl S. Buck, and spend a year of labor in eithee a suburban Jersey Chinese laundry OR a Chinese takeout, where she sits at a table all day, doing nothing but making homemade Wontons!!!!!!!! Give THEM a taste of humility, and submission. Granted, it will not bring Tyler back, but it COULD cause these scum, who have never done a day of hard labor in their lives, to reflect on the fact that actions DO indeed have consequences. For this is what they and those apatetic students need to learn, in addition to their imbeded homophobia, and how it can, and in this case DID, turn like a dime on someone.

Now, sweeties, it just so happens that at this time I happen to be reading Patti LuPone's memoir--yes, darlings! you heard that right--and, while I said Tyler cannot be brought back, I can honestly attest he is still with us. In her book, during the segment covering her triumph in "Evita," Patti relates how, on three separate occasions, she was visited by the spirit of Evita herself. So all I can say is--watch out, Tyler's spirit is out there, and could vuisit us anytime. I am prepared to welcome him, but Darvi and Wei had better watch out. For in that visit will be the manifestation of their guilt, a guilt whom the apathetic and listless covered herein share. I can't imagine what Tyler would say, as I do not know if spirits speak. According to Patti, Evita did not speak. But an appearance should say volumes, and I am telling you, they are coming. On the anniversary of his death, next September 22, I wonder what will be going on at the GWB at 8:50 PM??? Or what one or more persons may seee??? Hmmmm??? Hacve you thought about that, sweeties????? You better.

But all I have reported only serves to further discredit Rutgers in this. Its students, faculty and staff can undoubtedly be bought so easily, but I am here to say that the mmore they are, the more Tyler's death is tranferred addditionally from Ravi and Wei to them!!!!!!!!!!

Meanwhile, I have to paint the nails on my hands, darling!!!! I will not stop pursuing justice, and for Tyler's sake, as well as all my darlings, I will do it fully coiffed!!!!

Loveliness to all!!!!!!!!!!

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