Monday, October 25, 2010

Girls, What A Day We Had Yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, to think that the weekend began on such a restful note, with just the charming Monsieur Davide and myself drinking coffee, getting caught up on reading, having a lovely social even ing out, with no muss or fuss whatsoever. Of course, when I we got home, I was forbidden--FORBIDDEN!can you believe that, darlings!--to rewatch the Rosemary Harris 'SVU' episode!!!!!! But at least there was "The Golden Girls," with the spiritual force that is Rue McClanahan to keep us on the right track!!!!!

But yesterday, loves!!!! Oh, my God!!!! Would you believe wewere out of bed by nine o'clock???? Unheard of!!! And no cofee in the Nancy Kelly pot????? Quelle catastrophe!!!! By noon--when nost civlized people are just crawling from bed--we were subway bound to far off Rego Park, Queens, which is even further out, darlings, than my neighborhood of Woodside!!!!! We went to visit the lovely and glamrous Bea, all 98 years of her, and sweeties, let me tell you, she could do the Ruby Keeler role in "42nd Street" tonight!!!! Which is more than can be said for either Monsieur Davide, or myself!!!!! THEN I get whisked off--by train, by bus, so fast I cannot keep up--to some godforsaken part of Flushing in the middle of nowhere--no subways, no bookstores, nothing--where we had to walk about as far as Dorothy had to from Munchkinland to the Emerald City, to catch a dance performance by one of Monsieur Davide's colleagues. I mean, I thought we were in Siberia!!!!!! The performance was lovely--gorgeous costumes, stunning dances, an Indian Frick and Frack--with the longest intermission I have EVER seen--50 minutes!!!!! And snacks, drinks and condiments, to booot!!!! Thank God for the lovely Miss Maloney, who so graciuously drove us itinerant travelers began to the remotest corners of civilization, where we could at least hop a train to the REAL thing!!!! When we got home, I was physically and emotionally exhausted. And would you believe NO 'SVU' marathon, no "Golden Girls," nothing!!! We just had dinner and fell into bed!!!!!

But at least I am alive to tell about it, loves!!!! AND to wish my firend, Julia, a happy birthday, as wellas she and hubby Henry a happy third anniversary!!!!!
How the time flies!!!! And here I am, STILL 24!!!!!!!

So it was quite a weekend, lambs!!!! And the next one is Halloween. Do you know that on Friday, the 29th, Hedda is hosting a "Friday The 13th" screening at Chelsea???? That's right; the ORIGINAL, with the one and only Betsy Palmer!!!! I want to see all my ghoulies there, to kick things off, because who knows what Saturday and Sunday will bring??????

Have to get ready for my week now, lambs!!!! Love to all!!!!!!!!!!!

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