Friday, November 19, 2010

Darlings, Babes In The Blinkin' Sun, Sang We Shall Overcome!!!!!!!!!

Girls, I am happy to report there is hope on the horizon, or seems to be, in the wake of the Tyler Clementi tragedy. There is a a bill undergoing in New Jersey, sponsored by among others Senator Frank Lautenberg and a local congressman from Fair Lawn, that will help to prevent further bullying tragedies. The name of the this proposed bill is "The Tyler Clementi Higher Education Anti-Harassment" Act. And it comes with the complete endorsement of his family to use his name. Their attorney, darlings, confirms that while they are saddened by Tyler's loss they are humbled and gratified by the groundswell of support, and support themselves that this bill, with some help from Tyler, will do something to prevent further tragedies.

And you know this will drive a further wedge into the credibility of those two skanks, Darvi and Wei. Tyler's name, in governmental form now, will haunt them for as long as they live. As well it should. The important thing right now is that serious notice is being taken of Tyler and his plight, which echoes that of so many others. Like Matthew Shepard and Megan Kanka, Tyler will go on to iconic stature in terms of civil rights legislation, which is something The Raving Queen, a card carrying member of the Gay Community darlings, can live with, though one would much rather have Tyler about and in the world!!!!!

Wouldn't it be great if a postage stamp were issued to commemorate Tyler. I propose that, girls?????? Remember how in the opening scene of "Psycho," Janet Leigh said to John Gavin, "I'll lick the stamps!!!!!!!!" Think how many of my girls out there would lick Tyler!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But, first, lick THIS, dolls, to pave the way for a future stamp. In any case things are happening, and we will keep you posted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just make sure to keep yourselves in ermine, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I could not be more thrilled, and I hope the bill is enacted quickly. I hope there is a naming ceremony with family and supporters in attendance. Because if there is, darlings, rest assured The Raving Queen will make every effort to be there!

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