Thursday, November 18, 2010

Darlings, For My Birthday, A First--The First Photographed Bitch Of The Week!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, the first thing I have to see is that Kelsey Grammer came pretty damn close!!!!! Ditching his wife, but REJECTING his children for frolics with some chippy flight attendant?????????? Whorrrrre!!!!!!!!!! However, in the face of other circumstances the chosen winner could not be overlooked!!!!!!!

The winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award is Andrew Shirvell!!!!! For starters, it shows how low our legal system has sunk when scum like this can become an Attorney General, as he was in Michigan, till he was being fired in the past week.

And once again the gay male community is taking it in the jaw again, because what got Shirvell out was his cyber bullying, harassment and stalking of openly gay U of Michigan

n Student Body President Chris Armstrong. What is the problem here???? First sociopasthic children at Rutgers who do not even belong in college drive a sweet, talented young man to suicide, and now an alleged adult is lashing out against someone, who, next to him, is still a kid????? How low can our society go?????

You want to know something, girls???? If the Tyler Clementi incident and all attendant attention had not happened, I bet Shirvell would not have been ousted. I wish Tyler were still with us; nothing is worth his life, but I am glad this bastard Shirvell got shafted. i only hope Armstrong and his family file legal action against him, and yes, I think what Shirvell did amounts to being a HATE crime, too!!!!!!!

I mean, you would think gays are being blamed for the ills of this country. I have said since my 20s for the powers that be to take a look at the fallibility of this country's corporate structure, but does anyone listen to me along these lines?????????? Of course not; just so long as the God of Greed is appeased!!!!!!!!!!!

There even have been some theorizing that Shirvell may be a closeted gay! I strongly disagree!!!!! I mean, come on; the man is UGLY!!!!!!!!! He has NO fashion sense, judging from how he dresses. And his arrogant pig bearing manner speaks of self righteous heterosexuality!!!!! I hope he is imprisoned and cornholed, although I am telling you now, for that to happen, Shirvell's top is going to have to place a paper bag over his head, because who could stand to look at him, so how else could one fuck him???????????? "Deliverance," I am telling you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My only regret in conferring this honor on Shirvell is his ugliness; I was hoping the first photographed BOTW would have been a bit more glamorous!!!! Hell, a frog would!!!!!!!!! But his contemptuous deeds, for which he will now answer, are too heinous to overlook!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So congratulations, Andrew, you rotten Bitch Of The Week!!!!!!!!!!! I hope your photo is used as a dart board in every gay bar this weekend!!!!!!

Make sure you toss delicately, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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