Thursday, November 18, 2010

Darlings, Don't I Look Fabulous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Well, girls, I have made it to another year!!!!!!!! 56 by my birth certificate, although, as we know, lambs, my PROFESSIONAL age is still24!!!! Let me just say, that, much as I wish, the woman in the photo you see is NOT me, although how I would love to wear that tulle dress, which, if you could see it in color is PINK!!!! And we know how perfect I look in pink, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The woman in question happens to be Dorothy Collins in her iconic role as Sally Durant Plummer in my all-time favorite musical, Stephen Sondheim's "Follies". This is where she introduced "Losing My Mind," which, believe me, girls, I have lived, and it is a wonder I have never performed it publicly. But I am not through yet, dears, so who knows????

Miss Collins passed on awhile back. But while alive, she and I shared a November 18 birthday!!!! Which made me SO proud, and pointed the way to Musical Theater Week

Anyway, for MY birthday, girls, I slept to the unheard of hour of 8:40 AM!!!! I had my coffee, you better believe it, then opened cards and took incoming attendant phone calls!!!!!! I also had to do some errands--laundry retrieval and bill paying--before I could high tail it into the city to Monsieur Davide's, where I am right now!!!!

But wait, darlings!!!!! The reason i slept till 8:40 was because my friend Audrey, with the lovely Ruby Ann, our friend Judy, who could do a "White Rabbit" to rival Grace Slick, not to mention down a White Russian in one gulp, and Audrey's very collegiate looking mother, all gathered in the Brooklyn Heights for a charming pre-celebration!!!!! The quiche was scrumptious, and so was the broccoli cauliflower soup. The sweetest wine and the most exquisite cake followed. No wonder this Cinderella got home so late!!!!!!!!

And tonight, girls, a staid establishment is on the line!!!! Because Monsieur Davide and I are dining at Babbo's, so we will see if all the hype is worth it, and believe me, I will report it HERE!!!!! I already have a history with the place, when it dissed m e for being single, limiting me to seating at the bar!!!!!! Excuse me????????????? Do you know who you are talking to????????????? So things had just better go perfect tonight, or their rep will suffer. Back then, I fixed them by dining at their uptown competitor, Esca, who treated me as though I were Meryl Streep!!!! Whose birthday call I missed while out doing errands.

I received the loveliest, romantic card from Monsieur Davide, a gift certificate to Three Lives, and the Sgt. Pepper pillow I have had my eye on for awhile. Darling, let us hope 56 turns out to be magic; 55 was not so bad, after all, and will be remembered forever!!!!!!!

So welcome to my birthday, darlings, and I will share the result thereof with you tomorrow!!!!!!!

And my PROFESSIONAL age is STILL 24!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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