Friday, November 26, 2010

Darlings, Hats Off To Jorge A. Rey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As any of my girls know, we name a Bitch here every week on Thursday. We do not have a counterpart Hero Of The Week, but I can tell you, if we did, Mr. Jorge A. Rey would be selected!!!!! He is perched high on the cup of corporate America, being a financial attorney and a Harvard candidate, but in the Huffington Post yesterday he spoke out on the Tyler Clementi situation with a fervor that did the Raving Queen proud!!!!!!

The crux of his comments was that no one should have been surprised that it happened, given the level of homophobia that is rampant within our American culture!!! What are these idiots SO afraid of, I want to know!!!! Personally, I think they are afraid, first of all, as becoming too sophisticated. Secondly, straight men fear that acceptance of non-heterosexuality will automatically devalue them and the institution of marriage; but, hell, their behavior has been doing that all along, anyway!!!!! Homophobic straight women--and believe me, they ARE out there, as certified by my experiences with the oft mentioned on here Diane and Roberta--fear the loss of their financial gravy train, because if more men take up with men, where does that leave them, except as fulcrums for reproduction, like a bunch of overanxious Queen Bees!!!!! And let me tell you, it will not happen in our lifetime, but eventually biology will evolve to where men WILL be able to reproduce, leaving the femme of the species stranded for whatever straight men remain, or else to be placed on retainer if one of the male partners turns out to be infertile!!!!!!! Incredulous, you say??????? Just wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But the homophobes screaming the loudest now, need not fear this, as it will take place after they are dead!!!!! So, what is the big deal?????? Well, if you loosen the collar on lifestyles, then you loosen American social conformity within the other communities--business and government, for example--and God forbid we should deviate from the status quo as it is now????? As if it were so great????? I have just one thing to say to those who think it still is--9/11!!!!!!!!!!! But does anyone care???? As long as nothing hurts crass materialism, not bothering to consider it has actually destroyed America's economy, rather than help it, then who cares if the innocent are persecuted or leap to their deaths???? As long as the I's have it, no one will care!!!!!!!

So I salute Mr. Rey for his piece, whose impact is furthered by its being a criticism from within. Finally, we have an "Establishment voice" who "get it!"

But my darlings need not worry--the fight for Tyler will STILL go on, and you will get your VOGUE subscriptions on time!!!!!!!

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