Friday, November 26, 2010

Girls, Today Is BLACK FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, darlings, we made it through Thanksgiving. Monsieur Davide and I got to Port Authority just in time to greet my sister, fresh off the bus from scenic Norristown, PA, whereupon we whisked down to the Village to have a fabulous meal at the Paris Commune. Now, girls, I am sorry to report that our enterprising waiter (and my favorite!) Cody, was not there; even enterprisers deserve a day off, especially when they can be, as I was told, with their "boyfriend." Bet that boyfriend is a Wall Streeter with a seven figure income!!!!!!!!!!

Nevertheless, the meal was lovely, the service excellent, and it gave Monsieur Davide a chance to learn things about yours truly not yet revealed!!!!!! Afterwards, we went back to Monsieur Davide's, chilled, then taxied back uptown to send my sister back to PA. A good time was had by all, and when we got home, Monsieur Davide and I both crashed.

But would you believe, lambs, that in the middle of the night--3:15 am to be exact--I awaken to hear Monsieur in the kitchen. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Putting the dishes away!" he said. You can bet he was sent right back to bed, because there is no need to do dishes in the wee hours. Early morning is time enough, and will arrive soon enough. What am I supposed to do????

At least I can thank God I am not in retail, because to go near a store today would be tantamount to confronting our lovely friend, Cucumbo, from "It Conquered The World!!!!" Girls, I cannot wait to have a dinner party where I serve my own miniature Cucumbos!!!!! Maybe while doing the dance of the She Demons, in costume!!!!! But in amy case, I am going nowhere NEAR a store, as I have to dress, dash off to what is increasingly becoming my pied a terre in Queens, check to see things are OK there, do some reading, then dash back to the city for a social engagement, with Monsieur Davide, which, believe me, girls, you will get a full report on!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And on top of all this, somehow I have to squeeze in the new Jake Gyllenhaal film, not to mention the camp classic "Burlesque!" Honestly, girls, my schedule is getting as complicated as Meryl Streep's!!!!!!! I wonder how Meryl does it, honeys???? I must ask her over some Bloody Marys at the Riviera Cafe!!!!!!! If I can even squeeze THAT in!!!!!!!

Time to get moving, darlings, because the Holiday Season has officially begun!!!!
Stay out of stores today, girls, but check your cosmetics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy BLACK FRIDAY, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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