Sunday, November 21, 2010

Darlings, It Is Looking Good!!!!!!

You have heard on here, girls, how they want to enact in the Jersey Senate "The Tyler Clementi Higher Education Anti-Harassment Act," and it is about time. Too bad it could not have been in place, so Tyler could still be here. But I am happy to report, darlings, that, in the face of their indescribable pain, the Clementi family is backing both this act, and Tyler's name on it, all the way, insuring what they hope will be the safety and well being of all college students, to which they are entitled, and to which Tyler was too, until it was wrested from him!!!!!

The Clementis further have said they are humbled and gratified by all the support and love people have shown both for them and to Tyler. And the Raving Queen is on here to assure them that that love and support will ALWAYS be there!!!!!!!

Which is why I have included this lovely photo of Tyler and his HS classmate hugging. Let us all give Tyler and the Clementis a great big hug, loves!!!!!! Know that he is with us always, because I am telling you, darlings, I think I had a visit from him recently, at, of all locales, my workplace. I was walking out the lobby for my coffee break on Friday, when I saw this bespectacled, thin, young man standing in place, as if rooted to the spot. He batted his eyes, and smiled shyly at me. He never stopped smiling. I thought it odd, till I got out on the street, and realized who this guy resembled, so that it was probably...oh, my God!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, I am convinced it was a sign from Tyler telling us how appreciative he is of all the work we are doing. So, rest assured Tyler, that work will NEVER stop, as we still seek justice for you!!!!! But progressing is happening, loves, so stay tuned for future developments.

And if there are any more Tyler visitations, I will let you know. And he looked SO cute, darlings!!!!! Make sure all my girls stay cute!!!!!!!!!!!!

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