Monday, November 22, 2010

Darlings, It Is A Social Whirlwind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, I am telling you, quiet eves at home, with or without Monsieur Davide, are getting to be passe!!!!!! And now we have passed the hurdle that was my birthday, loves, the Holiday Season has unofficially begun. I say "un" because it really does not kick off till Thanksgiving Day. And to think I used to believe it commenced December 1!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, we finally got to celebrate Judy's birthday, albeit a bit late, at the Smorgasbord restaurant, which, despite my memories of it as Casa di Pre, and the white decor outside replaced by a garish yellow, I had to admit was pretty good, culinary wise. Though nothing beats the Riviera Cafe for Bloody Marys, darlings!!!!!!!!!! But at Smorgasbord, the salad, soup Swedish meatballs, with potatoes and veggies were just scrumptious, as well as the sauce they swam in. The desert of honey filled waffles with cream and strawberries was a nice light finish. Girls, I am telling you, this is a place to visit. But watch out on Wednesdays, darlings; the crowds get fierce!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday we were travelling back and forth to the theater section all day. Thank God there was no 'SVU" marathon, because I would certainly have had some kind of withdrawal. We started out with the matinee of "Mrs. Warren's Profession," featuring the superb Cherry Jones (whose birthday was yesterday), Sally Hawkins and Edward Hibbert. Worth seeing just to see Cherry and the play, but I had some quibbles with the direction (the usually excellent Doug Hughes) especially where Miss Haukins was concerned. And having just seen her as Rita 0"Grady in "Made In Darghama" I know she can act!!!!!!!!! But, honey, somebody needed to regin her in here, or help her re conceive the role, because I am telling you, it did not work!!!!!!!!!! But we loved the excursion anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And then there was the fundraiser at the Actors' Temple!!!!! I wish they had asked me to perform, because I could have delivered some showstoppers of my own, but bet that as it may, it was thrilling to see Anita Gillette, who looks fabulous and still has a solid Broadway voice. Same with Martin Vidnovic and Cheryl Stern. There were also some lovely newcomers, whose category I should have been in,, darlings, but then I have to have a talk with Miss Randy Levine-Miller, because NEVER in my years of theater have I seen a rabbi reduced to the drudge work of a stage manager. As one who has stage managed before, why does the charming, resourceful Rabbi Jill want to take on more stress when she can get all she wants running the Temple?????
Girls, I would have been on Valium!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, let me tell you what is up for this week. Tonight I am on the graveyard shift, and then tomorrow I have to take Monsieur Davide to the doctor for a male gynecological procedure, which I hope to God he comes through as painlessly as possible, so he can shove down turkey and wine come Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!! Which is when my sister is coming to town to take on New York and the whole social scene!!!!!!!!

Staring ahead, there are two Hanukkah parties on the horizon, a workplace holiday party, Christmas at my sister's, New Years Eve with Monsieur Davide, followed by his birthday, as he is a New Year baby...........and then I have to make a decision if I want to trod the boards or not, because I just found out that VLOG, with whom I did "The Pajama Game" a decade ago this spring is going to be doing "Carousel," then, a show so familiar to me, and whose score I would kill to sing!!!! But the time commitment of rehearsals, tech, I don't know; we will have to see!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, not to forget the Gay and Lesbian Group Christmas Party;
not to mention what else pops up in between!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

See what a whirlwind it is, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!! Make sure you don't get swept up!!!!!!!!! Or if you do, that your hair is perfect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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