Monday, November 22, 2010

Two Months That Changed The World, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, this is not to be confused with the documentary "Ten Days That Shook The World," though in a social sense the past two months have been, in their own way, as galvanizing. Today is exactly two months that the world lost the cherished presence of young Tyler Clementi. Now, some might mark this anniversary of sorts not till the 29th, when the world at large first learned of this tragedy. But the facts point to the 22nd being the day he met his death, so the Raving Queen is going by that, girls!!!!!!!!!!!

And how have we fared these two months?????? A family still grieves. To some, including yours truly, the name and memory of this young man are enough to elicit tears. More notice has been aimed at social bullying among youth. And homophobia.
And even as I write, lobbyists are trying to put forth "the Tyler Clementi Higher Education Anti-Harassment Act," with complete consent of his family. Progress has been made, yes, but at the expense of an inexcusable loss that two months later still cries out for justice.

For perpetrators Darvi and Wei are still holed up in their respective suburban holes, where they await their outcome, while the world awaits it even more as indication of how the system stands when it comes to a tragedy that snuffed out the life of a promising youth and deprived a family that did not deserve this foisted upon them of a beloved member. Meanwhile, those of us out there like moi are still fighting for Tyler, remembering, praying, and doing what we can. But the time has come for the University, the courts, the Senate and other governmental agencies to take a stand--and hopefully the right one.

Two months is not that long a time, but for those of us who mourn Tyler, both those who knew him and those who did not, it sometimes seems like two years. But I am telling all my girls on here that the fight will continue as long as we can provide justice for Tyler and his family. Let Darvi and Wei sit in the stew that is their own arrogance, their depraved indifference to the this young man's life, mark my words they shall somehow be brought to a justice that vindicates Tyler!!!!!!!!!!!

Now vindicate yourselves with facial cream, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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