Granted, girls, the subject bar is pretty generic, but on this day before Thanksgiving I want to cite as those in need the family of Tyler Clementi, Tyler himself, and all those Tylers and Tylers to be out there who may, in part inspired by his tragic story, come forward to end the cycle of social bullying.
An observer in a Minneapolis paper has placed another slant on it that has not been looked at too closely--the emphasis on voyeurism in general. Now, there is no question that Tyler was preyed on due to his sexuality, but the way it was done was VOYEURISTIC. Now, voyeurism has existed since crevices in rocks; and none of us can ever forget Norman Bates peering through the hole in the wall at Janet Leigh; and didn't we all want to look like Janet in that black bra, slip and panties?????? But combine the cyberworld with the ills of human nature and you have the recipe for disaster that Rutgers University unleashed. And still has not really acknowledged, administratively speaking. Nor have any of the legal outcomes stepped forward, and we are waiting those, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let me say as a former Jerseryite, it still does not surprise me that this happened not only in my home state, but so near to where I grew up. Because you have so much hypocirisy per capita. I am talking about people who espouse liberalism of all types till it moves next door to them, or into their dorm room--and Ravi and Wei, though they did not grow up here are prime examples of Jersey hypocrisy--quick to say they have no problem with gays till.....oh, YEAH?????????????? And you know I know, girls, having heard me many times on here on the sometimes mentioned Diane and Roberta!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, as we get ready to celebrate Thanksgiving with our biological or social families, think of what the Clementis are deprived of this Thanksgiving. Think of what will be missing at their tables, not only this year but in years to come. Think of the kids out there who still need help, and who hopefully will learn from this how to get it!!!!!!!!!! And think of how you out there, my darlings, with your fashion coordination and eyeliner---or maybe in addition to it--can do something to help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now, THAT is what I would call Pilgrim's Progress, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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