Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Girls, Believe Me, Every Queen In Town Will Flock To This!!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, once you have calmed down from seeing Jake Gyllenhaal, the thing to do is to see "Burlesque," with Cher, Stanley Tucci and Christine Aguilera, because this is when you will need a good laugh, and I am certain that this film provides it!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sweeties, from the first moment I saw the trailer, I knew that this was a campfest for all us Queens!!!!!!! That it owes a lot to "Showgirls" is SO obvious; that it will be trash to indulge in is unmistakable. But whether it will last, as "Showgirls,", despite all its deficits, has, remains to be seen.

You have to hand it to Stanley Tucci, playing the male, Even Areden-ish gay sidekick again. Tucci is certainly more gifted than this, but when you have three children to raise and you get lucre for crap, hell, maybe I would not have turned this one down. But being gay, darlings, I would rather be doing the Christine Aguilera role. Or even Cher's!!!!!

I hope theater owners, especially those in New York, know what they are in for. Because I am telling you, right now, this is going to be one of those movies where all the queens have GOT to sit on the aisle, because when it comes time for the burlesque moves, they will all get up to mimic them. And you know I will be right there, darlings, shaking my booty best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So have the Thanksgiving of your dreams, loves, a good healthy dose of Jake Gyllenhaal, followed by a return to Earth by laughing at this crap!!!!!!!!!!!! Turkey was never easier to digest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Crrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnberry sauce, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!

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