Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, can you believe we have made it to anotjher one?????? Where has the year gone. I am telling you, one day it is out to Coney Island, the next it is Turkey Lurkey Time!!!!! And you better believe I am going to dance Vivien Della Hoya, just like Donna!!!!!!!

So many things to be thankful for, this year, girls!!!!!!!! My fabulous Monsieur Davide, who is a constant source of love, inspiration, and delight. My sister, who is coming into town, girls (maybe to conference with Anna???), who has seen it all--husband, kids, grandkids, Highland Park, and moi!!!!!!! My father, who is still kicking at 95, and shows no signs of abating!!!!! I don't know how much Florida has to do with it, but something is doing him good???????

What I want to know is, why have they stopped showing "March Of The Wooden Soldiers" on this day????? I mean thee wonderful 1934 Laurel and Hardy version, where they all trounce off to Boogieland (my favorite sequence, darlings!!!!!!!) where the residents look like leftovers from the Skull L=Island natives in "King Kong!!!!" I swear, honeys, the makeup is exactly the same!!!!!!!

This film defined Thanksgiving for many a year, especially during my childhood!!!! So why deprive future generations of this delight!!!!!! The Boogiemen of Bogieland were SO fabulous!!!!!! It just made our hearts feel good!!!!!

But the important things, girls, is that we all feel good today, with or without imbibement!!!! So I want all my girls to give thanks for what they have, tend to your reticules, and think about what remains for you to do in the year!!!!!!

Me, loves, I have about 35 more books to read if I am going to make my goal of 100!!!!! Can I do it, loves????? Stay tuned!!!!!!!

And remember NOT to wish on a turkey wish bone with a man who is capable of correcting a love letter!!!!!!!

Correct THIS, girls!!!!! Ta ta!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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