Thursday, November 25, 2010

We Still Have A Bitch, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, now I hope you are all stuffed with Thanksgiving turkey, but as you regurgitate, let me tell you I still have to select a Bitch Of The Week. Thanksgiving is no excuse, not to have one, and believe me, we have a winner!!!!!!

The winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award is New Jersey Governor Chris Christie!!!!!!!!!

The first thing that MUST be said is that he is no Julie....Christie, that is!!!! Hell, dolls, he does not even come close!!!!! He is just a big fat suburban pig!!!!! But then so are most of the men in Jersey, but what makes Christie worth naming this week's winner is his hypocrisy.

Two months ago, this ape cried on camera over the Tyler Clementi tragedy. You had to hand it to this big, hetero lug. But of course this lug turns out to be a Republican, and as such he is now dragging his heels about signing into law "The Tyler Clementi Higher Education Anti-Harassment Act," because he says it infringes on individual rights!!!!!!!!!!!!

What a bitch!!!!!!!!!!! Can you believe this, girls?????? And just whose rights are being infringed on--heterosexuals????? God forbid!!!! What about Tyler Clementi, whose rights were infringed on with dire results?????? What about his family, who still grieves for him?????? What about those of us who grieve for Tyler ourselves????? Who is Christie out to protect, if not the straight students who do not need this protection in the first place. Hence, he is our Bitch Of The Week!!!!

Now, dolls, some of you may feel I am jumpig the gun here, because he has not yet actually refused to sign the bill. I know that, but because I fear a setback, I am designating him BOTW in hope that this prevents a refusal, and gets the bill signed, honoring Tyler and his family, and guarding against future tragedies.

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