Monday, November 29, 2010

Darlings, We ALL Want To Be Vampira!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, for those of you who DO believe, can you believe yesterday was the First Sunday of Advent???? We are headed into the holy holidays, the start of a liturgical year, and an upcoming winter solstice. I mean, how much can we stand????

Now, sweets, if your Thanksgiving weekend was like mine--and I hope yours was as FABULOUS-- I know your waistline is feeling it. You can believe mine is, girls!!!!!!! And we haven't even begun the social rounds. That is why I am reminded so much right now of Malia Nurmi, aka Vampira, who died at the start of 2008. Darlilngs, we always DID want to be Vampira; I used to have a set of plastic red fingernails that were out to here ------------------ when I was a child, and I used to put them on and do her "Plan Nine From Outer Space" walk, arms extended. And back then, dears, my waist line was closer to Vampira's!!!!!!!!!

Why is it as we age, our waistlines get more and more away from Vampira, instead of closer?????? Maybe we ALL need to buy a Vampira corset, which will encase us in enough to give us that Vampira waistline feeling. I want all my girls out there to go and buy one. Oh, and make sure you go to a store where the staff is gay male, because a straight dude is not going to know who "Vampira" was when you ask for a corset!!!!!!!!!!!!

Of course, the real answer is to eat right and do some of those Donna McKechnie moves and stretches. So I am thinking of going back to Yoga, and buying a sweatsuit, so that in early morn I can walk along the esplanade near Monsieur Davide, just like I used to do along the one in Bay Ridge, when I lived there, and who knows, hopefully, may live there again, to do so. But right now, girls, we have to focus!!!!!!!!!!

So as we begin this heightened Social Season, darlings, I want you all to focus on your waistlines, with Vampira as your guide. Don't worry about the make-up, hair and nails yet; those will come with time. Right now,it is all about the waist!!!!!!!!!!

AND maintaining proper deportment at all times, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!! See you on the Vampira runway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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