Monday, November 29, 2010

Darlings, "The A List: New York" Is On My Shit List!!!!!!

Girls, how much more do we as members of the Gay Male Community have to stand???? Yesterday, with an upset tummy and needing a quiet day, I stayed in with Monsieur Davide, who accidentally subjected me to something I had heard about, but never seen before called "The A-List: New York!" I could not believe the inane vapidity of what I saw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sweeties, you have GOT to be kidding, because THIS A-List hardly matches any of MINE. MY girls who go on here are educated, literate, and highly sophisticated. Now, I admit, when I saw how cute Ryan was as a hairstylist, I thought, "Maybe he should do my hair!" I mean, I have always wanted to look like Blythe Danner. THEN we got to see some of Ryan's clients, whom he had worked on, and let me tell you they did NOT look like Blythe Danner. They looked like young aliens from space impersonating Liberace!!!!!!!! Remember Emmett Hunnicutt on "Queer As Folk?" He was lovable, but no one would call him butch!!!! Well, next to Ryan's clients, Emmmett is not only butch, he could star in a Titan Media film. Which, as highly sexualized as the guys on here seem to be, they would not know from one film company to the next!!!!!!!!! Girls, let me tell you, next to THIS, the American "Queer As Folk" was trenchant social documentary. "The A-List New York" is trenchant crap!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then there is this guy Austin, who just fancies himself the Flavor of Everyone's month!!!!!!!! Well, not if you don't remove that youthful pudge which I am sure you would call baby fat, but I can tell you, darling, as the Raving Queen, it is the beginning of the consequences of youthful indolence. But, hell, do you think Austin would believe anyone???? Not our Miss Austin; this Smart Miss thinks he knows everything!!!!!!!!! Wait till you OD on bruschetta, and have to be rushed to detox to have your acidic stomach pumped!!!!!!!! THAT should get rid of a few oucnes, but sweetie, if you think with the physique you have right now you are going to be a STAR, you are not only on the wrong planet, you should not be living in New York City!!!!!! You should be living in Secaucus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In fact, pretty much the whole cast, though dressed well, if not overly so, would really not pass muster with what counts for gay life in this town as MY girls know it!!!!!!!! They obviously have never picked up a book; Jonathan Franzen???? Forget it; they haven't even read "Twilight!" They wouldn't know what the former is, nor the latter, and are certainly not ready even for "Twilight!" The wouldn't know who MERYL is, or what she is doing, and you can tell by the clothes they have no concept of ANNA!!!!!!!!!!! And they expect to get by in New York???????????????

Let me just say that this show is one big insult to the Gay Male community!!!!!!! It has nothing to do with how I or my readers live, loves--oh, and do you think these guys know theater or opera???????? You have GOT to be joking!!!!! This show in its own way is as harmful for young burgeoning gay men as "Sex And The City" was for young straight girls!!!!!!!!! I mean, darlings, "Glee" may have its flaws, but its heart is in the right place, and there are often honest glimmers of gay life lived honestly. And let me tell you, Ryan and Austin, and everyone on "The A-List New York"--you think you are SO great!!!! That bitch Santana from "Glee" could put you all in your place within five seconds!!!!!!!!!

This film has about as much relationship to young men living gay lifestyles today as Algebra 2 had towards benefiting my life. Which counts for zilch!!!!!!!!!!!

You know how truly damaging this show IS???? If I were a young, burgeoning, gay man and saw THIS at a tender age, it could make me think about becoming heterosexual!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Come to think of it, maybe this show's intention is exactly that, because maybe the whole thing is underwritten by the Tea Party!!!!!! That would certainly make sense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Of course, what makes the MOST sense, loves, is to avoid this garbage; hopefully it will not last as long as when you have to take the next bag of trash out!!!!!!!!!! And I can tell you it will have NO impact!!!!!!!!!!!!

Impact THIS, you bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!! My readers know the REAL thing, and "The A-List New York" is NOT it!!!!!!!!!! Has the Raving Queen EVER steered you wrong, darlings????????????? Stick with me, girls; I will get you through!!!!!!!!!!!

But not without a good astringent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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