Monday, November 29, 2010

Darlings, I Am Appointing Myself President Of THIS Foundation!!!!!!

No, girls, I am not talking about the make-up foundation I use to make myself look good, or the one used to support my chest, though perhaps I should. Anyway, on my recent entry that was an ode to Bay Ridge, I referenced something I came up with called the "Justice For Tyler Clementi Foundation," so I thought, why not put it into action? So, here is how it works, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is not to be confused with the Facebook page "In Honor Of Tyler Clementi," and all the wonderful work that has gone on here. What I am aiming for, lambs, is readers of any age, and especially the young, potentially Tylerish (meaning you are being bullied) who need a place to let off steam, want sage advice from one who has been there, and is dedicated to stamping out the plague of behavior that resulted in the tragic demise of Tyler Clementi. It must not happen again, and the way to do that is to stop the chain of circumstances that create such an event--what one of my friends called "a perfect storm." And the first thing that must be done is that those out there feeling threatened, as Tyler was, must voice those feelings, and this is what the Raving Queen is offering. All that, and fashion tips, too, darlings, if you read the other entries. So I want all my girls out there to keep an eye out for those sensitive souls who benefit from this Foundation as is. No one will be outed on HERE, I can promise you that!!!!!!!!!!!!

So hail and welcome to the "Justice For Tyler Clementi Foundation!" May it continue to promote the legacy of social action left in his wake, and help others still here, of like circumstance, in need!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RQP, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!! Raving Queen Power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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