Monday, November 29, 2010

Oh, My God, Girls; The Gowns Were ALL Diane Von Furstenberg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, I am telling you, last night I had an evening that wiped me out emotionally. Feeling a bit under the weather, I stayed in for the night, and Monsieur Davide and I first watched my all-time favorite, "The Wizard Of Oz," for what must have been something like my 80 plus viewing. It was a milestone for Monsieur and I, who had as yet to cross the threshold of seeing this gem of mine together (and we still have to get through "The Song Of Bernadette", during which I cried real tears throughout the film--and on cue, too, having seen it countless times on the screen, where it was meant to be seen, most recently at the Victor Fleming Festival at the Film Forum this past March.

But, girls, when I questioned Monsieur Davide--and you know I did,darlings--I learned something so shocking and illusion bursting it is almost inconceivable to contemplate. He has NEVER seen 'Oz" on the screen!!!!!!!!!! I mean, how do you get past the age of 30, and living in New York City, without doing so????? I told him this is something we will render pronto, provided a facility in the near future offers up a screening. OR if we visit the Land Of Oz exhibit in Liberal, Kansas, which I would love to, girls--imagine, ME wanting to go to KANSAS???-- they have screenings of the movie EVERY DAY, so that would easily take care of that!!!!!!!!!
But going to Kansas just to see a film about a child who desperately WANTS to escape Kansas???????? The sheer incongruity of it all!!!!!!!!!!

You can believe I was emotionally wiped out after the screening. And there was ANOTHER one--yes!-immediately following the one we watched on TCM. But that would be too much sensory overload, so we switched to something that we missed most of, but which turned out to be pure gold.

That was the PBS Great Performances Sondheim Birthday Celebration. I want to apologize to Monsieur on here, because I was SO SURE, like a Smart Missy, that it was held at Carnegie Hall; turned out, after all, to be Avery Fisher Hall at Lincoln Center, home of New York's famed Philharmonic Orchestra, so with all due respect to my brilliance, Monsieur was right this time.

But, girls, the lineup onstage--Bernadette Peters, Patti LuPone, Audra McDonald, Marin Mazie, Donna Murphy and Elaine Stritch--all in red, all designed in different cuts and styles by Diane Von Furstenberg!!!!! I am telling you, I wanted to wear Bernadette's and Audra's!!!!!!!!! Not to mention the singing was a how to in performing musical theater!!!!!!! It just goes to prove everyone should shop at Diane's shop down on 14th Street; I am going there this Holiday season, darlings, and I may give gift certificates there if such are available!!!!!!!!!!

This concert performance is also available on DVD, and covers more than PBS showed. I cannot wait to see the WHOLE thing!!!!!! My only caveat--why didn't Lonny (Price) call me???? I would have been more than happy to do a number; girls, you should hear me do "Can That Boy Foxtrot" from "Follies!!!!!!" Believe ME, I get the point across.

No wonder my resistance is worn down from all this overload, not to mention worry over Monsieur Davide and his condition, which is healing slowly but nicely. Meanwhile, I have to kick this thing by Xmas--and if it takes liquor and drugs I am willing. A couple of the Riviera's Bloody Marys should put me back on track. You better believe Judy (Garland) knew what to do; when it comes to music and pharmaceuticals, darlings, always consult HER!!!!!!!!!!!

But make sure you take the day after OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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