Friday, November 12, 2010

Darlings, We LOVE Marcia Gay Harden!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, I hope you did not miss 'SVU' the other night, when Miss Harden returned in her iconic role of FBI agent Dana Lewis/Starr. Now, nothing is going to top that initial climax courtroom appearance where she throws off her Nazi disguise and shoots the real Nazi scum in court, but Dana is as tough as nails and back to enthrall us. And Marcia was especially touching because Dana this time had been a rape victim. Her carefully nuanced performance shows why she is such a great actress; has been since she burst onto the scene 17 years ago on Broadway as the original Harper Pitt in "Angels In America," and why she continues to be a treasure in a trove of recurrent characters that this wonderful series keeps bringing back!!!!!!!

From Tracy Pollan as Harper Anderson, to Tovah Feldshuh as Danielle Melnick, to young Hallie Hirsch as Jenny Brandt, the "Law and Order" franchise has supplied a myriad of iconic guest characters who are as memorable as the series principles. And don't forget Martha Plimpton as Claire Rinato, or Mary Steenburgen as that bitch of a mother, Grace!!!!!!! Darlings, we simply cannot get enough of them.

The episode left no doubt that there is plenty wiggle room for more return visits from Marcia. And you better believe we await each and every one anxiously. Meantime, take a cue from Dana, and don't allow anyone to mess with you, girls!!!!!!!!!! Self empowerment is the key to self fulfillment, along with the proper wardrobe, which Marcia, when the time calls for it, certainly knows how to wear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope you all wear your best this weekend, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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