Thursday, November 11, 2010

Happy Veterans Day, Darlings!!!!!!!!!

Girls, today is Veterans Day, and as Alice Faye sang in Shirley Temple's movie "Poor Little Rich Girl," "I love a military man!" Girls, we all do but I am telling you, to honor our men in uniform today, curl up for an afternoon of fun with any entry in the "Barracks Glory Holes" series. Loves, you will be standing and attention, I promise you that!!!!!!!

And speaking of standing at attention, let us wish a happy birthday to that gifted actor, Stanley Tucci, who hits the big 50 today, girls, and doesn't he look

But, girls, this also brings us to the fact that today is Thursday, and you know what that means--time for this week's Bitch Of The Week!!!!! Well, girls, either I have failed you, or it has been a fallow week, because I am afraid the winner this week is a fictitious one.

The winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award is Maleficent, the evil fairy from Disney's 1959 cartoon classic (and the last, great animated film of the Disney Golden Era, "Sleeping Beauty."

And doesn't she look fabulous, darlings??????????????

You just gotta love her, girls, because she is the evil fairy all us gay men actually are or secretly dream of being. You should see me at work, or when I haven't had coffee in the morning; I make Maleficent look like a pussycat!!!!! Not to mention her glamour--that elegant headpiece with horns, that staff, tjhose flowing sleeves with purple trim, that cape, and that staff!!!!! Much more glamorous than Margaret Hamilton, you better believe it, darlings!!!!!!!!!

Hell, she walked off with the entire movie, so much so that she should have been brought back for a film of her own!!!!! But this IS Disney, after all! They may bring Tinker Bell back, but NEVER Maleficent. And she has it all over "Snow White's" Wicked Queen, " let me tell you!!!! And you are talking to someone here who knows quite a lot about wicked queens!!!!! Not only have I known some in my time, but would you believe I have been occasionally been accused of being one, myself???? I, who am SO sweet!!!!!!!!!

So maybe a fictitious bitch was meant to be this week, girls, because Maleficent is long due for a tribute. And so is her raven!!!! Bet she serves up a wicked cup of Cafe Diable???? Wouldn't we love to have tea with her, honeys!!!!!!

But there is no honey in this gal, dolls!!!!!! She is 100% Bitch!!!!! Which is why we LOVE her!!!!!!

Make sure you give your all as bitches, girls!!!!!! My love today to ALL bitches, veterans and otherwise!!!!!!!!

As Maleficent would say--"POOOOOOOOOFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!!!!!!"

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