Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Girls, The Steps Are Small, But The Progrss Is Growing!!!!!!!!!!

Darlings, I just found out that a student contingent at Ruters University is forming a studnet government committee to deal with privacy rights in the wake of the Tyler Clementi tragedy. I also want to say it is about time, and extend kudos to the students, who seem to be disregarding the administration, who claim they were not aware of it. Which is just fine with me, lambs, because since Tyler's death, there has been so much waffling on the part of Rutgers officials, who think they are protecting their heads, but are actually digging them deeper, as it points to lack of further credibility and future decline in enrollment and endowments.

Ravi and Wei escaped disciplinary action by withdrawing but it cannot be erased that their lives have been and will continue to be irrevocably changed forever, and depending on the outcome they will reap what they sowed. If spirits could walk the earth, I would pray for Tyler's to haunt them each and every day. And he just may be doing it, at that.

While we are taking action, I would like to see Rutgers establish a Tyler Clementi scholarship to a deserving GAY student, in his memory. The legacy of Tyler could then live on until even those of us who remember this incident as it happened ultimately vanish from the earth.

May Ravi and Wei vanish behind bars for as many years as they can get!
While justice should be tempered with mercy, mine is simply not death, but incarceration. Though they did not show Tyler enough mercy, resulting in his death!!!!!!!!!!

Keep on fighting, girls!!!!!!!!!! And dress yourselves properly, in appropriate designer clothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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