Monday, November 15, 2010

Darlings, We Love Sarah Paulson As Anne Gillette!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, I am telling you, you have got see the "Shadow" episode of 'SVU' where Sarah Paulson plays such a fabulous character she would qualilfy for Bitch Of The Week this week or any week, if she was not already being mentioned here.

Miss Paulson, whom we have seen, darlings, do Laura onstage in "The Glass Menagerie," is anything but shy and withdrawn here. We just LOVE Anne Gillette, girls because she is one cool customer, cold as ice. Rich, glamorous, Upper East Side Princess who embezzles philanthropic foundations, off her parents when they threaten to cut her out of the will, and maintains her fashion priorities even while she is still in prison. You have to hand it to her, loves!!!!!!!!!!

Even when cornered, this Smart Miss is as cool as ice!!!! We just LOVE when she is hauled away screaming, "I'll kill you all!!!!!!!!!!!" Anne is one of those characters we want to see come back. This Orphan Annie is one touch bitch!!!!!!

But, I mean, look, darlings, you have to understand, she cannot help it, because she is just a poor, misunderstood girl with goals. Kicked out of three prep schools till she finally graduated from a non-accredited one in Switzerland with a degree in Flower Arrangement!!!!!!! I mean, what is the poor girl supposed to do???????? But rest assured while Anne's ice is cooling in the slammer you know she will be running some racket as soon as she is there, and having all the fashion houses ship deliveries to her cell!!!!!!!!!!! She is the freshest, most charming character to hit prime time since Miss Veda Pierce hit movie screens. Olivia called Anne a modern day Lizzie Borden, but, honey, Lizzie was no glamour gal. I always thought she was a repressed lesbian. Anne, on the other hand, has glamour in spades, and is a kindred spirit to our beloved Veda, with one key difference--she already has the dough that Veda so strongly covets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Meanwhile, girls, we can covet Anne and her FABULOUS wardrobe!!!!! And congratulate Miss Paulson on a brilliant characterization!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now if only the fashion houses would deliver to ME!!!!!!!!! But I am working on it, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So keep doing those nails, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And you just know Sarah is having the time of her life playing Anne. Who the hell wouldn't?????? And that Edward Hibbert with his faux Dominic Dunne characterization, and licking, yes, girls, LICKING, Olivia's boot!!!!! I mean, can you believe it? Prime time S and M???? How many boots have my girls licked lately????????? If you do, make sure they are designer ones, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!

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