Sunday, November 14, 2010

"Did Me??? DID Me???????? He RAPED ME, You Ass!!!!!!!!"

Now, girls, I don't want to get you upset, no one has raped me, The Raving Queen, and is not about to!!!!! If anyone tried, you can bet I would kill them first, and get a good night sleep!!!!!!! No, that line comes from our inspiration and role model, Tracy Pollan, in her iconic role as Harper Anderson. And it ties in with my role as a Victim Advocate and Social Activist for the very young man seen in the photo here, the youngest seen yet of the sweet, innocent Tyler Clementi!!!!!!!!!

Because I am telling you, girls, if these pieces of filth that are Darvi and Wei walk, I move that they be charged with RAPE!!!! That is right; RAPE, which is defined as non consensual carnal knowledge. What was done to Tyler was certainly not with his consent, it was about power and humiliation, as is most, so I move that they be cited on charges of Virtual Rape!!!!!!! They RAPED HIM, those assholes!!!! And I know there is a five year statute of limits here in NY,and as soon as I find out what the limit is in Jersey, I will know how much time I have to hunt down these scum, if they walk!!!! And if they relocate to other states, I will find those statues. Because what they did am ounts to RAPE in the worst degree; first they rape his civil liberties, and then they destroy his life!!!!! These RAPISTS!!!!!!!!!!!! I am telling you, if the hate crime or privacy thing dowes not fly, you can bet I will be working on this. We need to get this filth off the streets; there is now fear that a whole slew of copycats will follow, and IF they should, let it be on THEIR heads as well!!!! Now you are talking about multiple murder, which they do not seem to care about!!!! Throw them in jail, and dissolve the key!!!!! Make them be their inmates' bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Meantime, I want all my girls out there to pay attention and attend the OUTMUSIC awards, held on December 1, evening, at Town Hall, as the entire program is going to be dedicated to the memory of Tyler Clementi!!!!!! The outpouring of love still seeps forth, and will continue to in the name of justice for this slain innocent!!!!!!! If I have to seek restitution from the highest appellate in the land, you better believe I will do it!!!!!!!!

But while we wait for justice, darlings, let us remember Tyler as an artist on December 1!!!!!! And show him how we can all dress nicely for him, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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