Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Darlings, What Are Things Coming To????????????????

Girls, it looks like November is going to be non-stop, and I may need some of you to tell me what to do--PLEASE!!!! Here I sit scarfing down a cinnamon and raisin bagel because I hardly have time to eat, I am so much on the go. Tonight I have a dinner engagement with Monsieur Davide at Biva, where I have to make a spectacular impression, lambs! And tomorrow I am going to the dentist to find out the fate of my cavitied wisdom tooth. If it can be filled, fine! But, honey, you and I both know life does not work that way, which means I am going to have to have it extracted. Now, if I had been Judy Garland, not only would I have had fame plus one of the century's great voices, I would have enough drugs in my system to not only de-toxify my tooth, but deaden pain enough that, even without anaesthesia, I would not feel a thing. Yes, loves, you have GOT to hand it to Judy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But such is not my case. I need drugs, anaesthesia, anti-biotics, you name it. The problem is, darlings, there are THREE major events coming up this month that I do not want to miss. One of these is my birthday on November 18, when I again turn 24 professionally, and on said eve Monsieur Davide and I have dinner plans at Babo, where I intend to wreak vengeance on them for what they did to me earlier in the year. The following night, the 19th, we have tkts to "Jersey Boys," which I have been anxious to see ever since it opened. After sitting through that atrocious and homophobic "Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson" I was determined to see something where I knew going in, darlings, the music would be good, and I intend to honor those tkts. And then on the 25th--30 days before another Xmas, loves--my sister is coming in to spend Thanksgiving Day with Monsieur Davide and moi.

So, now tell me girls, what should I do--
1. Have the tooth out on Friday November 12, leaving the weekend to recover, w
which is what I would prefer to do?
2. Wait till December, I mean early before Xmas, so I can partake of the
November festivities???????
3. Pull my hair out!!!!!
4. Bitch! (Well, girls, you know I will do that anyway!)

I wonder what America's sweetheart, Betty White, would do? Of course, if I were 88 years old and still had my fourth wisdom tooth, at that point, all I would have to do is touch it and it would just fall out, but no such luck here!

HELP ME, GIRLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Of all the months for this to happen? Why couldn't I have faced this back in July???? It would have been blocked out of my memory by then. But, girls, I promise I will keep you updated on what the dentist says tomorrow. I haven't been knocked out since my colonscopy. But that procedure was easier than this--except, of course, for the famed night before!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I need support from all my girls!!!!!!!!! Tell me what to do, so I can keep on telling all you what to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This bitch needs help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And dress designer for surgery, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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