Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Girls, It Is Time To Scrape The Barnacles Off These Legal Scums' Hull!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, I am on the beat, as usual, with the latest on Tyler Clementi. And it is this--that the defense for the perps have so weak a case they are manufacturing the idea that because what was seen was only seen supposedly for a matter of seconds, or it was only one computer (huh? explain that, bitches!!!!) then this should net a "not guilty" plea for Darvi and Wei.

I am sorry, but the sadistic, jubilant delight in which Ravi invited broadcasters to tune in--"It's happening again! Yay!" and the cojoining of Wei with him in this indicates more than a matter of seconds. The argument is also being tossed that since allegedly no nudity was involved there was no sex. Obviously, girls, these litigates are not as experienced as my readers or I because any of us on here can tell you that if one is creative, original, and horny enough, sex with clothes on is possible!!!!!!!! And some prefer it, for kinks sake!!!!!!!!!!!!

But I am sorry, scum, even if there were no nudity, even if all Tyler did was chastely or Frenchly kiss another man, and maybe unbutton a shirt button, this is still a violation of privacy, as he thought he was alone when said event was going on. And the reason said event was going on was so that two sexually biased teens could humiliate one of their gay peers. And, again, look what happened!!!!!!!!!!

If this is the best the defense team can up with, then hell they ARE scraping bottom. And if a jury is stupid enough to buy it, and the perps walk, this will strike such a blow to the American judicial system, then many of us out there will never be able to trust in it again. I wonder if the selection is going to be based on how homophobic each juror is. Bet it will. Finding a dozen homophobes in New Jersey is as easy as walking down any state street.

It is much too soon to crow, girls, but I think this is a pretty weak case. What I want to hear is what the prosecutor(S), whose side we are on, girls, has come up with in response to all this. But they are being smart, keeping their gloves on, rather than pulling them off in a brazen state of arrogant over confidence.

Rest assured, girls, Tyler is watching. And if things do not go right in that courtroom, just as Abagail called down a curse in "The Crucible," so will one be visited on the court and its participants.

And you know I have ALWAYS wanted to play Abagail, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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