Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Girls, Like The Song Says, Just Say A Little Prayer For Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, darlings, I just got back from the dentist, and here is what happened. My wisdom tooth got filled. He said the cavity had not gone into the nerve, so it had not reached root canal stage, which would have necessitated extraction. He said I should be fine. He said it should last ten years, and who knows, by then I could be pushing up daisies!!!!!

So anyone else would say "Yippee!!!! I'm outta the woods!" Not me, dears, because with my luck I always expect the worst. Which would be that the morning of my birthday, "Jersey Boys," or Thanksgiving, something will flare up!!!! Should I call the oral surgeon, I asked. He said not, but gave me the card as a cautionary measure. So, girls, as I said in the subject bar, I am asking for prayers--just get me through this month, and then, come early December, pre-Xmas, if such a thing happens we can deal with it without pressures. I mean, I have been through enough with the dentist, as it is. Not to mention, with the dentist there are always two points of pain--treatment, and then the bill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am going to operate on a high note, because he WAS actually able to fill the tooth!!!! But needless to say, each twinge will give me peals of anxiety!!!! My God, the doves, the doves!!! What if Monsieur Davide suddenly has to be called from work?????? Do you think Martha Plimpton has to deal with stuff like this??????

I wish I was as strong as my friend, Audrey, who would just tie a string to a doorknob, and slam!!!! No muss or fuss for her, believe me!!!! But I am not that strong; hell, I can't even get through singing "I Dreamed A Dream" without going to that dark place needed to bring out the plight of Fantine. Much as I would relish the role, it would tear me apart every night to do it. That is the price of us gifted artists, darling!!!!!!! But somehow we live with it!!!!!!!

But right now I am going to live with nursing a diet Coke, and musing on winter fashions. Say your prayers, girls, and I will keep you patted!!!!!!!

And I pray for all you to always look your best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amen to Jesus, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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