Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Girls, Support Is Still Coming In!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today, it comes from two sources, the Quinipac University paper where a Day of Silence was conducted on November 2, in honor of Tyler, and from a young woman named Alyssa Padavani, who went to Ridgewood High with him, played in the orchestra and gave a living testimony to the refinement and talent that these two bastards, Ravi and Wei, snuffed out. Yes, dears, snuffed out, when Tyler discovered the vindictive way he had been deceived--what amounts to visual rape, girls!--and found himself, by inexperience, so backed into a corner, he could see no other way out.

Well, darlings, the Raving Queen is expanding, so I want you all to get a good look at the sweetness we have lost, and never forget it. And until justice is meted, I will post an image of Tyler until we get one of his perps being hauled off to the slammer. They better watch "Caged" to see what they are in for!!!!!!!!!!

I hope they get the "twenty years of pure Hell" that Joan Crawford got in "Strait Jacket!" If I have anything to do with it, they will. But it IS encouraging to see support swelling for Tyler from portals everywhere, and not just the Metropolitan area. Mark my words, dolls, the words "Justice" and "Tyler" will be synonymous until one is achieved for the other. So just remember that, you scum who think otherwise, and as I have said, IF it necessitates my going to court, not only will I, but I will give them glamour and fashion to make Harper, and of course, Tyler, proud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't just make Tyler proud, darlings!!!!!!!!! Be proud of yourselves!!!!!!!!!! Stand up for him, as you stand up for yourselves!!!!!!!!!!!

And don't forget that pearl strand, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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