Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Darlings, Dinah Sang About The Difference A Day Makes!!!!!!!!!! What About Six Months????????????

Girls, I am telling you, six months ago, the lovely Monsieur Davide and I began our rendezvous and we are still at it!!!!!!! While there has been no lack of drama, it has never escalated to the level of "Who's Afraid Of Virginia Woolf;" more like "Cat On A Hot Tin Roof," with me, of course, as Maggie!!!!!!!!! And you can be sure Maggie kept her panties on, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, being the Princess I am, you might think we made a beeline to a high end place last night. But sweeties, with my birthday looming on the horizon, I am not a greedy Princess, so we opted for the cozy comfort of the Good Stuff diner, where we expected to be attended by the lovely Valentine, who, to those who may be inclined, he allows to feel his muscles. And such muscles, girls...mmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!! I am telling you, this boy knows how to get tips!!!!!!!!!

And speaking of tips, darlings, let me give you a couple, because I am finding myself at the center of a Harper-ish situation, and if I do not get the satisfaction I want I will take action like Harper, you better believe it.

Here is what took place--at my servitude called work, a patron requested an item that simply could not be found. I did all that I could, but said item was not available, whereupon I was told how incompetent I was, unhelpful, etc. Yeah, yeah, if you don't like it, bitch, go somewhere else!!!!!!! I have been down this path before, honey!!!!!!!!!!!!

But it gets creepier!!!!!!! As the evening progressed, he found reason to pass me by intermittently, uttering such derogates as "Stupid!" "Idiot!" or "Jerk!" just loud enough so I could hear! Which told me the guy was a nut case. But, I thought, as long as I never see him again, what does it matter?

And so it seemed!!!!!!!!!!! Till about several months after this, when a chance encounter on the street elicited another round of abuse. And yesterday, darlings, another!!!!! You can believe I was rattled, and took the necessary channels, but I am telling you, girls, if the system fails me, as it did Harper, look out, because I will follow her example and set this guy straight!!!!!!!!!

He is not ugly enough to be ugly!!! He has a perpetual angry look, his eyes are full of hatted, and let me tell you, if this guy is some sort of queen, he is the bitterest one I have ever seen, and you are talking, girls, to someone who knows!!!!!!!!! He would not pass muster in a backroom bar, because even IF--and I seriously doubt it--he were hung like a horse, his personality is so noxious no one would go near him. Which is why he comes off as being some geriatric psycho loner!!!!!!!!!!! But Harper took no crap, and neither, darlings, do I!!!!!! So juist remember that, if you hear anything in the near future!!! I will keep you posted, and if it comes to court, you bet I will wear my best outfit, and if you come to support me, you had better, too!!!!!! Let Harper be your guide to justice and fashions, darling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We just LOVE her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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