Monday, November 8, 2010

People Are Starting To Get It, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, as you know by now, in between chronicling my various escapades, trips to theatrical events like "The Little Foxes" and hanging out at Bungalow 8 on my off nights with Giselle and Leo, I have been reporting on the Tyler Clementi case. We are not nearly out of the woods, darlings, but I am happy to report that word IS getting out, and the word is being reached.

The latest is an article saying what I have said all along. A reporter for the Brighton Pittsford Post advocates that while Ravi did not literally push Tyler off the bridge he was very much responsible for this young man's death. It began a month before the term opened, with him babbling to his chat friends that his roommate is gay. As the writer pointed out, you do not do that unless you have some kind of issue with that fact. That you find something wrong with the idea that your roommate is gay. What the writer does not pose is a question I have always pondered--if Mr. Straight Dude Ravi was so perturbed by this, either right before or as soon as school started, why did he not try and transfer himself to another room, where not only he would have been more comfortable, but more important and preferable, Tyler Clementi would STILL be alive, and we would not be discussing him??? Not only was this scum too cowardly, passive or ineffectual--take your pick--to initiate any action of his own, he then surreptitiously pretends acceptance, rooming with Tyler, graping his frailties, his sensitiveness, and THEN he surreptitiously sets him up for a humiliation that is wrong on so many levels had Tyler not done what he did it would still be an issue. But the resulting tragedy, which Ravi instigated only compounded things.

Not to mentioning his running to classmate and bitch Molly Wei, who should have had sense enough to stop this but did not, aiding and abetting Ravi herself. Honey, whenever they cross over tot the next world, I hope they are greeted by Roy Cohn and Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, because they are on a par with them. And I would give the Rosenbergs a break before I give it to these two!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then in comes the assertion that what may have been intended as a prank that went wrong went beyond being a prank from the moment it was conceived. Tyler did not have the fortitude yet to face the intolerance of society, as the article reports, with the result Ravi backed him into a corner of inexperience that did not allow him to see any options for himself beyond doing what he did. He and she very definitely drove Tyler to his deed, I don't care how you care to disguise it. And they did it for ONE reason only--NOT because he was white, a musician, or different, but because he was GAY!!!!!!!!!!! People need to realize this if we are to get somewhere, and it says something that the writers here, one of whom is Jersey based, DO get it!!!!!!!! I think Most people at Rutgers get it, but the administrators would rather feign ignorance and exercise denial than facing their own culpability in this. But you know something, girls????? That culpability in inescapable, because this incident and Tyler's name will be a blemish on the school for a long time to come, a blemish that may ultimately see the decreased endowments and lack of enrollment they are dreading, taking pains to cover up, but may very well happen, anyway!!!!!!!!!!!! Shame on them and to all who take this road!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Get off my road, you bitches!!!!! Bexcause mine leads to justice for Tyler. Until that is obtained, neither he nor we can rest in peace. So stay tuned for future development, girls, and if it comes to my going to court, not only will I go proudly, with all the fervor of Harper, I will also take Harper's cue and look my most glamorous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And if you have to follow me into court, sweets, you had better look your best, too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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