Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Girls, What Is This???? For THIS, I Should Have My Own Reality Show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is no questions, darlings, that the Raving Queen would make a great reality show. Just a shot of me going out the door to work, after all I have to go through from arising from bed to reach that point would be worth it!!!! Not to mention all the glam places I flock to and report on, the scintillating people, conversations, etc. And now comes something called The Fabulous Beekman Boys????????? A "gay 'Green Acres'"????? Who are the kidding. Honey, when the original was on I was the one who sang--

New Yawk is where I'd rathah stay!
I get allergic smelling hay!
Ah just aaaaaaaaaadore a penthouse view!
Dahling, I love you, but give me Park Avenue!"

With gestures of course, you better believe it. And now this crap comes along???? Wait till you hear how bogus this IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Two Manhattan queens, a doctor and a writer, go live the rural life! I mean, come on, who would believe it???? Do you think I could do this??? I would be afraid of calluses on my hands!!!!!!!!!! And where is one to find such gay essentials as show CD's, designer bathrobes and towels, and matching his and his dining room sets????? Come on!!!!!!!!! And doing mannual labor???? Honey, you couldn't get me near a hammer unless in self defense. So these two guppies are now pretending to be, excuse me, "rangers in the wild?" Who is going to believe this????

What a crock! Not since "Queer Eye For The Straight Guy" has there been so much gay ridiculousness. If this had been about two beans n' frank lesbians, they could pull it off, but where is the joke here??? Are the guys incompetent??? They have to be, because with their lifestyle they cannot be any good at living rural style. Martha Stewart Living is as close to roughing it as gays usually get!!!!!!!!!!!

Go on, criticize me, you bitches, but you know I am right!!!!! ME on a farm???? With my skin problems and allergies?????? Bite me!!!!! So who do the makers of this crap think they are kidding. Martha Plimpton could milk a cow better than
they!!!!! And Meryl Streep could run this farm....but then, hell she is MERYL so she could run anything. I wonder if they are going to have an episode where they dress in milkmaid outfits, like Jean Simmons in "Elmer Gantry???" Now that could be interesting!!!!!!

What is this with gunning for gays?? Suicide, harassment, now crappy TV series. It makes "Glee" look like Noel Coward. Don't we deserve better than this???? At least a gay "Petticoat Junction," not "Green Acres!!!!!" And where is Arnold the pig, or his equivalent, also the same of Mary Grace Canfield as Ralph the Plummer?????? Things need to be thought through!!!!!!!!!!

Go after the lesbians, guys!!!!!!!!! Get off our backs!!!!! And this Josh guy is actually a writer; he wrote some memoir called "I Am Not Myself Today," which got about a week's worth of literary attention!!!!!! He makes Lauren Weisberger look like Emily Bronte. Don't make me laugh!!!!!!!!!!!!

If this show turns into a hit than my hope for self actualization by the gay male community may be in vain. Don't let me down, darlings!!!!!!! Turn your noses up at this piece of crap, and point those pinkies in the air as we drink tea!!!!!!!!!

.........Like they taught us at Miss Porter's, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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