Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Darlings, Did You See Gwyneth Paltrow On "Glee????"

Girls, I am telling you, it was a revelation!!!!! For the first time since her early film appearance in the edgy thriller "Flesh and Bone," Miss Paltrow stepped out from under tha arch of being Blythe Danner's daughter, to whom she will always be unfavorably compared, to doing something on her own, which is not Blythe-like. As sub teacher Holly Holliday on "Glee," she was sassy, sexy and smart. She looked fabulous, darlings, and who knew she had it in her musically. You just had to see she and Lea Michelle don "Nowadays" in those red dresses; I mean, it was revelatory for Lea, too, who finally stepped out of Rachel's pseudo Diane Dykeman persona, and Streisand wannabe aspirant, to doing something genuinely talented and on her own. This is what you should stick with Lea, not Barbra, because it takes a gay man like yours truly, the Raving Queen, to do Streisand, as I will prove when I star in a revial of "Funny Girl!!!!" Just wait till you hear me sing "The Music That Makes Me Dance!!!!!!"

Remember the recent groundswell for Betty White to host "Saturday Night Live!" There is a similar one already brewing to have Gwyneth on "Glee" replace Matthew Morrison as Will Shuster, and, sweeties, I am for it!!!!!! First of all, Morrison is straight--both he and his character--and what is a straight man doing directing a glee club??? I resent that!!!!!!!!! No wonder it was so refreshing to the kids when Gwyneth came in and livened things up; Shuster's musical taste is disgusting, and he encourages Lea's character Rachel, to be the disgusting Streisand wannabe she thinks she is but is NOT!!!!!!!!! Plus Shuster is so bland looking; even with his shirt off last night I was cool!!!! And he is one of the gayest looking straight men I have ever seen, so what are the producers trying to prove by casting him???? Here is a key reason why my feelings toward this show are ambivalent!!!!!

As if the "Nowadays" number was not enough, it was capped by the sophisticated reworking of "Singin' In The Rain!" Now, sweeties, you know the Raving Queen does not favor desecration of ANY MGM musicals, but I have to say this number worked. And once more, Gwyneth rose to the occasion; who knew she could dance as well???/ Not that she is Donna McKechnie, but she certainly could outdo Christine Applegate in "Sweet Charity." But that is really not fair, because, Hell, so can I, but Miss Paltrow kept proving herself over and over on this episode that she has been holding back in the talent department, and I say, let us see more of HER!!! Whether she wants to go full time or not is up to her, of course, but I am telling you, it would boost "Glee" tremendously and give it some more gay ooomph, which you sure do not get from Morrison!!!!!!!

And this after last week's disappointing Tyler Clementi inspired episode. Maybe the creators are biding their time there. THIS one would have bought a smile to Tyler, and I Hope out there in the cosmos he saw Gwyneth here and said, "You go, girl!!!!!!!!!!"

Believe me, if they could lock in Gwyneth, it would be a short step before Blythe started showing up on the show. Then maybe that bitch Santana would learn something about class, because she sure does not have it now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Make sure your class is lipped and purloined, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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