Thursday, November 4, 2010

Girls, You Are Not Going To Believe This...Sutton Foster As A Lesbian!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No, darlings, this is not one of my kolonopin induced dreams. This had to be the best bitchfest of the TV season, and nobody loves a good bitchfest more than yours truly, even if it did involve those scary creatures we call LESBIANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This episode came to us recently, from March of this year. It is entitled "P.C." (for Political Correctness--and don't even get me started on that one, honey!!!!) and went like this--

In a gay centered area--either the Village or Chelsea--groups of women are being found raped and murdered at a rate surpassing the average slasher flick. It becomes even more tricky when it is revealed that each of the women were lesbians!!!!!!!! In walks Kathy Griffin as in-your-face (a typical lesbian trait) activist Babs Dutton. Of course, like many activists, Babs agenda is not just promoting harmony in the lesbian community; it is promoting Babs, who is definitely what those of us in the know call a media whore!!!!!! Her acolyte, Rosemary, is played by Sutton Foster; she had been closeted, but with Babs' inspiration gets the courage to come out with her sexuality. Honey, I say, get over it!!! If you can't do it by college, go join a convent!!!!!!!!

Anyway, the murder/rapes continue, and one victim, named Lisa is found to have been in an abusive lesbian relationship. Now, get this, darlings--her partner is this big, butch blowzy barteneder named "Mitch", short for "My bitch!" but whose REAL name--are you ready, everyone--is SHARON!!!!!!! Well, girls, I nearly fell off my chair. I mean, she had it all down, right to the abrasive voice, the flannel shirt, no sense of humor and the killer whale!!!!! The highlight of the TV season was when she clipped Elliot (Chris Meloni) so hard he had a shiner that had to be tended to by Olivia. I say, why couldn't B.D. Wong attend to him, in between making Won Tons?????? It would be so cute to see those two together.

A lesbian named Sharon!!!!!!!!! I cannot see too much, darlings, but someone on that creative staff obviously knew something. And someday, I promise, girls, I will tell ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I can tell you right now--with Sharon, Sutton Foster seguing into drama as effortlessly as I have seen her do musical theater, fighting lesbians, this was the bitchfest of the TV season. It had me rolling on the floor, and I would not have missed it for a minute!!!!! If it is ever repeated, girls, make sure you do NOT miss it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not to mention the scene where Kathy Griffin puts the make on Olivia!!! I am telling you, I bet this is on a 24 hour video loop every Saturday night down at Henrietta Hudson's!!!!!! Whether you are gay, lesbian, or a a eunuch, this episode is a highlight of the program's history.

We had so much fun, darlings!!!!!!!!!! Almost as much fun as when we see the first light of daybreak, and the lesbians scatter back to their lairs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Make sure your lair is tastefully decorated, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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