Thursday, November 4, 2010

Darlings, It Is Time To Meditate On Good And Evil!!!!!!!

"I am NOT a nice person!"

Girls, the above quote has telling importance related to what I am about to discuss, which is good and evil, prompted by a recent fourth reading of the Great American Epic Novel--John Steinbeck's "East Of Eden." It certainly does not apply to me, loves, because, as much as I am a bitch, all my readers on here know I am as sweet as sugar candy. You got that right, honey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, this quote was actually spoken to me by an associate, the one whom I have sometimes referred to on here as "Grotesque Creature." The candor of this remark astonished me, first, because it was absolutely true, and I certainly did not think said individual capable of any insight at all. And of course I asked myself, "Well, if you know this, then why don't you do something about it?" You would think, but being a Grotesque Creature, such transition just is not possible. Plus there seemed to be more than just a hint of pride in the admittance of such.

My shock was further compounded when I discovered one of said associate's favorite books happened to be one of mine--"East Of Eden." I was astonished, because while you all know I only read the finest of literature, darlings, Grotesque Creature generally subs its on a steady reading diet of Stephen King, Ann Rice, and the like. So "East Of Eden" floored me.

On this fourth reading, I found myself asking, why would such a person be drawn to this book. And the further I read, the answer came to me.

The book is a meditation on Good and Evil. But who is truly which? Everyone has a bit of both in them??? The only exception is the lead female character, Catherine Trask, nee Ames, aka Kate. As conceived by Steinbeck, who intended it so, she is the personification of Satan!!!!!! From prepubescent S and M games that get two boys whipped, to breaking down a sensitive Latin teabher to the point of suicide, murdering her parents, trying to about her children, setting up residence in a brothel, and then killing the Madam and taking over, Kate is one of American literature's most evil women. There is nothing redeemable in her. And somehow she is the center of the book, the glue that holds it together. She causes us to question Adam Trask's goodness; measured against the genuine goodness of his cook, Lee, is Adam truly good, or just plain naive????? Same with Aron Trask, Adam's son--I don't think he is as good as the world sees him, because he wants to control, a trait clearly from his mother, and when things do not go his way, he implodes, turning not on others, but himself, in a way that hurts other people. And all throughout, Kate is a barometer against which all these people are measured.

Which brings me to Grotesque Creature. I think she is drawn to Kate because, despite her evil Kate is basically a strong character; ie; she lots of self will and strength. And some, including said associate, think this is what points to success in this world, to the exclusion of everything else. But it can't and it doesn't; it did not work for Kate, whose shock at Aron's innocence, and his at her lack, drove both to desperate deeds--Aron to death in the Army, Kate to suicide. The great defesnive constructs around which she built her evil were not binding enough for her, as she and others like her soon find out, and soon they implode.

In other words, the bitch got her comeuppance.

Just like Grotesque Creature will.

It just goes to show how brilliant Steinbeck's book is. But don't get the idea, darlings of following Kate. Oh, no, dears, you follow Abra!!!!!!!!

And believe me, when that Grotesque Creature gets its comeuppance--and it will!!!--I will live to see it, dressed in my designer best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It takes a bitch to plow down a bitch! But the winner is always the better dressed bitch!!!! In my case, girls, it is no contest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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