Thursday, November 4, 2010

Darlings, This Week It Is NO Contest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, back in seventh grade, when I was 13, it was a big deal if you were NOT invited to Diane's or Roberta's parties. This chartered your whole social life for the next six years, and, as you can imagine, I was not invited, so I was not only resentful, it kept me from other things like Algebra in the 8th grade and National Honor Society. In my hometown popularity was everything, no matter how talented you were otherwise.

I say this because this week's Bitch Of The Week, who is truly despicable, started her climb to this distinction with not being invited to a party.

The winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award is Jennifer Petkov, hitherto known in her neighborhood as "the Devil of Detroit Street."

This woman is second only to Susan Smith in her treatment of children, so much so she lost custody of her own.

Here is how it started--about two years ago, Kathleen Edwards's grandmother, Rebecca Rose, whose daughter is Kathleen's mother, Gabrielle Edwards, had a party for her granddaughter, and Jennifer texted to ask if her children could join in the fun. Apparently, Rebecca did not text soon enough for Jennifer's satisfaction, and the bitch went off her rocker. What is more, Kathleen's mother, Gabrielle, had died at the young age of 24, from Huntington's Chorea, and now Kathleen is suffering with the disease, guaranteed to take her life, at only seven years!!!!!!!

For this adolescent slight--I say adolescent, becasue at 13 if I had gone to Diane and Roberta and called them evil bitches like I still want to, it would have been appropriaate, but what good would it do now??? Jennifer Petkov is a 33 year old woman with a husband and two children, what gives with her behavior?????

Wait; it gets worse--she has so much as approached Kathleen and her father, harassing them verbally, going so far as to say to the little girl, "I can't wait until you die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Well, The Raving Queen can't wait till YOU DO, Jennifer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What kind of sick fuck says this to the face of a seven year old, terminally ill child??????? Why don't they get a restraining order, or lock her in stocks, with an iron maiden over her face, to shut her up???? If this bitch ever came near me, I would haul off and give her the belt in the mouth she so rightfully deserves. She is white trash, but even lower, she is HELL, because even the white trash from Goat Alley never behaved like this???????

And putting a pic of Kathleen's face with a skull and crossbones on Facebook, and the same with ther mother, in the arms of Death??????????? This woman needs to be locked into a closet and left there for days by her husband to show who is in control!!!!!!! If this bitch gets away with any of this, the whole fabric of social domesticity could shake wide open!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is it any wonder Miss Petkov is our Bitch Of The Week???? She is scum and evil, and trash, to boot!!!!!!!!!!! I hope she chokes on the vomit of her words, and dies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She does not even dress properly; she has NO knowledge of designers. But she is from Trenton, Michigan, so what can you expect????????????????

This winner is going to be a tough act to follow!!!!!!!!!! I would hate to see how she relates to dogs and cats!!!!!!!!!!! Feed her a rat, like Baby Jane!!!!!!!!!!!


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