Saturday, November 6, 2010

Darlings, You Are Not Going To Believe It; Now My Bedroom Looks Like Rue McClanahan's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, several years ago, when I decided to give my bedroom what I thought of as a "Gone With The Wind" look, by placing red curtains over the windows, one visitor referred to them as "brothel" curtains. And so they have been ever since. But after the domestic transtioning Monsieur Davide and I have done, things have been pushed further. With matching red shades to go with the curtains, and a set of pink sheets to go with the bed--as pink as this blog's background, darlings!-- you have got to see the transformation!!!!!!!!!! Now I want multiple sets of these pink sheets so that my bed will be perpetually pink. Because, darlings, with the bed this way, I feel just like Rue McClanahan!!!!!!!!

That is right; I am sure the late actress, aka Blanche Deveraux, would be SO proud of my bed!!!!!! I am telling you I feel like a Princess just getting into it, and you know what a Princess I am, girls!!! Just like Lee Radizwill!!!!!!!!!!!

I may have to offer scenic tours of my bedroom, or have Annie Liebowitz--or at the very least Monsieur Davide-- come and photograph them.

This bed is so FLAMING, we are SO proud!!!!!! I sometimes feel when I am on it, as if it will rise in the air, while I stretch out my hands, belting "Total Eclipse Of The Heart!" It WOULD make for a fabulous music video, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But you are just going to have to see for yourselves, lambs!!!!! Either via a scenic tour or by inputting a photo on this blog, you can see how I am defining sophistication in my depleted Queens neighborhood, and via this blog, to all my readers in the world at large!!!!! This is just the beginning, girls, there is no telling how far I can go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let's meet for coffee, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. You're extremely expressive, lol (found you on IMDb and your extreme overuse of "darling" to be intriguing).

    I love Rue McClanahan. She was definitely one of the "Golden Girls" with which I would have loved to roll around in those luxurious sheets. She was so raunchy, sexy, witty, and... Simply amazing.

    That being said, Bea Arthur and her stern androgyny turned me on, too. :P

    Nice blog.

  2. Rue was my favorite "Golden Girl," and the best dressed. I loved seeing what she wore in each episode.

    But she was also a gifted actress, and very stage trained. I was fortunate to see her, about ten years ago on Broadway in a revival of "The Women." Cynthia Nixon was in it too. Rue played the dowager Countess, but with a Devereaux flourish. She came out onstage in a white tennis outfit. Now, what I am about to say next was only possible from the angle of the seat where I was sitting. There was a staging moment, wheere Rue sat on a chair arm, and went up and down like horsey. At that point I could see that there was only Rue underneath. Much more than I expected!!!!!!!

    I still miss her when I watch reruns!!!!!!!!!
