Saturday, November 6, 2010

Girls, We Have GOT To Talk About "Glee"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For ages now, darlings, people have said I should watch "Glee," I should watch "Glee." You know I always get round to things sooner or later, so lately I have been taking a close look at this show, and what it translates into. And the result is a disturbing ambiguity that I do NOT like.

Not that it is not fun or entertaining, especially its musical portions, some of which are FABULOUS, darling!!!!!!!! I mean, "The Rocky Horror Show" episode was a classic. I just wish Susan Sarandon had popped in for a guest appearance!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just love the Down Syndrome kid who emulates Jane Lynch as the Coach!!! Now THAT is original, pushes some boundaries. However, some of the cast look like they are going to be pushing up daisies soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now don't get me wrong, girls! I like "glee!" I mean, the quasi lesbian duet to "I Dreamed A Dream," the "Total Eclipse Of The Heart" segment are brilliant. But the show requires you to swallow so much disbelief.

For starters, so many of the guys in the Glee Club are straight. Are you kidding? Do you think this happens in real life???? Every male member of the cast int the glee club should be gay. And you are telling me that the guy in the wheelchair is???????? Oh, honey, come on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chris Colfer as Kurt is one of the most refreshing things about the show and the portrayal of gays on television. Honey, I was just like Kurt back then, so I can testify. He sings great, he is talented, and he gets out there and gets himself noticed, which is an important message to get out to young men in the gay community, especially in the wake of the Tyler Clementi tragedy. And Chris/Kurt does this superbly. But do you think in real life he would be inducted into the National Honor Society????? Not on your life; as Jane Lynch's character has said, when you are dealing with parents and certain taxpayers dollars, not to mention homophobia, which still exists, this post-Modernist scenario which should play won't.

Then, oh my God, there is Lea Michelle as Rachel. Now, I know, darlings, it is not her fault she is too old to play a high school student. Hell, most of the cast is anyway!!!! And it is not her fault she resembles Idina Menzel, because in actuality, she does. But the two share another unique distinction--both are DISTINCTLY OVERRATED!!!!!!!!!!!!

Come on, Lea, that whole Streisand thing is SO stale? Oh, my God, the "Duets" episode, where she wears the sailor outfit, while trying to sing "Happy Days Are Here Again?" Who are we kidding???????? Not to mention her disgraceful rendition of "Don't Rain On My Parade" at last season's TONY awards!!!!!!!!!!! Believe me, I have seen better auditions in community theater, and how Lea got beyond that level I will never understand. She should have stayed there, where she will barely pass. let me tell you, girls, she is a big nothing! She musical passion and voice are so manufactured. And anyone who cannot see that knows nothing about musical theater or voice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But that is not all! After all, you can't lay all the blame on Lea!!!! There is also Quinn, Birttany and Santiago, or Santana, three of the most miserable bitches that you have encountered since your own miserable bitches from your own high school days. What these cheerleading types are doing in a glee club is beyond me, because, in real life, darlings, such girls would not be seen in such an activity, and the glee club would want nothing to do with them. Give me a break, and gag me with a spoon!!!!! That Santana is the nastiest piece of bitch since that little snip Ellen Zamost from MY high school days. Thought she had the world on a string because HER family was THE RICHEST on Harrison Avenue. And where does she end up??? Dumb, virtually making it through college, in some South Jersey dump called Pennington, where she gets financial support from lying on her back!!!!!!!!

And you know what? This is the trouble with "Glee!" For all its good intentness, it is still the same old high school shit, where you can see how the dumb straight boys and bitch girls will end up ten years later in the Nowheresville they all deserve!!!!!! Fuck this, and fuck them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mind you, darlings, I intend to keep watching for the scintillating musical theater moments. But do NOT for a minute believe a word of it. And too many people unfortunately do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Believe what I say, girls, the answer to GAY EMPOWERMENT lies in each and every one of us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My fashionistas!!!!!!!!!!!! Accessorize!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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