Sunday, November 7, 2010

We Still Love Tyler, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With all that has ben going on, we have not forgotten our beloved Tyler Clementi. According to an article in the Philadelphia Inquirer, the scum defense team is trying to make out the perps to be the victims here!!!!! Excuse me??????????? These lowlifes are still alive, left to carve out whatever miserable existence they have left to them, after their heinous misdeeds. While Tyler stares from beyond, crying out for justice!!!!! Your cries will NOT go unheeded, Tyler!!!!!!

Let's face it, if this is all the defense can come up with, they have NO CASE, and they damn well know it!!!!! Ravi and Wei are looking at jail time, and I hope the guards throw away the key!!!!!! Then there is the 2003 privacy law in Jersey which may be set a precedent by Tyler and his case. There is all this arguing about what wa seen, not seen, how much, how long, how many, nudity or not!!!! I have said this before, and I will say it again--I do NOT care if Tyler simply unbuttoned a button on his shirt; he did it, thinking he was alone, and he was NOT!!!!
The perps bothered with this because he was GAY, plain and simple. Even if Tyler did not give the viewers a Lucas Entertainment special, that these two were out to humiliate him, due to sexual orientation is hate crime enough for me!!!!! Ravi had lived with Tyler foe several weeks; he had some insight into him; he knew his roomie was a shy, sensitive, vulnerable guy, very likely in a highly fragile state, and yet he set about doing this!!!!!!!!! Sounds like a hate no brainer to me!!!!!!! Then he gets bitch Wei into the act; and she IS a bitch, because she was, from the first time Ravi approached her about this, in a position to stop him, or at least say this was wrong!!!!!! But she did NOT, so she has NO excuse!!!!!!!! What else can you expect from gay hating heteros???? Believe me I know; my early family life proves that!!!! Hell, why don't I just turn this blog over to the prosecutors, and do their work for them!!!!! Well, I am doing ti now=, but not for them, I am doing it for Tyler!!!!! Someone is going to speak out for him, and I will and have!!!!!!!!!!!
And I will continue so until justice is meted.

Yes, Tyler's family's lawyer can pull some moves of their own, and I hope to God he does, because it will add another layer of opportunity for justice!!!!!
And the poor perps feel SO threatened for their lives. Hey, dolls, wait till you get to prison, you think it is rough now!!!! Because your criminal stature is comparable to a child killer, taking the life of a sweet, innocent young man, so you both had better get ready to bitch up, because THIS bitch can tell you with complete certainity that once in the slammer, you will become inmates' bitches, and those guards will turn the other way!!!! And good for them!!!!! Then all your snotty suburban self-assurance will be wiped away!!!!! It will not bring Tyler back, but you will uniquely and finally realized just what you did!!!!!!

So anyone who thinks I have been sloughing off on Tyler lately, read this!!!!!!
I am still on the beat, and I look forward to when these scum get theirs beaten!!!!!

Because there is no lip gloss in prison, you bastards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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