Friday, December 17, 2010

Darlings, I Will Have To Take My Meds Before Seeing This!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, everyone is simply excited about David O. Russell's latest film, "The Fighter," with its scintillating performances from Mark Wahlberg, Christian Bale, Melissa Leo, and of course, our own, beloved Amy Adams!!!!!!!! However, what I am hearing on the street, girls, is that while Amy is just fine in the film, it is not HERS, so it does not center around her. Pity, because I would love to see her go ten rounds in the ring and KO some of these rubes. Just like her mentor, MERYL!!!!!!!!!!!

But, darlings, yesterday I was talking to someone who had seen the film and warned me that Amy is not exactly, well, Amy, in this film. She plays a working class gal with a truck driver mouth, and among other things--get ready to scream, darlings!!!!!--she says the word "cocksucker!"

Cocksucker!!!!!!!!! Amy Adams!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you believe it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Even I don't use that word too much, and Lord knows I am qualified!!!!!!!!! So, lambs, if you are like me, you are going to have to take meds before you march in and see the latest Amy Adams film!!!!!!! And make no mistake, if she is in it, then it IS an Amy Adams film!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am sure Amy consulted Meryl on this, and that La Streep gave her approval!!!!
Mama Meryl is not about to let one of her bear cubs (like Amy, Ann Hathaway and Stanely Tucci) do antyhing foolish, so I am sure Amy does this sanctioned by Meryl, which makes us all feel better, I can tell you!!!!!!!!!!! But to hear such words coming from the mouth of Amy Adams???????? What in the world are we in for next??????????? ME becoming heterosexual???????????????????????????

Don't bet on it, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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