Saturday, December 18, 2010

Darlings, A Turkey Lurkey Christmas To You!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, one of the seminal events of the December social season in New York took place--and on the anniversary of Jennifer Jones' death, too!!!!!! LPA held its Annual Christmas party, the results are in, and it was a major hit. Despite having to end at a rather early 10PM--whoever heard of such a thing in THIS town????--the drinks flowed, the shrimp went the fastest as it always does, and while attendance was somewhat down from years past, there was a gala turnout!!!!!!

Mr. Mayer, of the Mermaid Parade was there, and he looked FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!
Kris, and her husband, Jerry (who could do the "Grey Gardens" 'corn'number with Big Edie!!!!!!) looked dashing as they strolled majestically into the party hall!!!!!!!!!
We were glad to see former Drama head Larry, who does not always get there, but did this year!!!!!!!!! Congrats to Cheryl, Ms. Graham, Ms. Van Dyne, and others for pulling off a superb shindig!!!!!!!!!

And FINALLY yours truly at last had a man to show off, even if he did arrive late. But timing was on our side; the penultimate event at overt LPA Holiday party is dancing to "It's Raining Men," and no one ever knows when it is going to play. But it waited till Monsieur came, and he and I tripped the light fantastic in a way that would do Miss McKechnie proud!!!!!!!!!!

I am telling you, girls, it was the hottest thing in town last night, and I was there!!!!!!! But aren't I always at the hottest events, ready to report to my darlings!!!!!!! In fact, I have two to attend today, so don't miss a thing; stays tuned, because things are going to get really lively over here during the next few days!!!!!!

A snowy blowy Christmas to all!

And to "Glee" morons--you damn well better believe I am Santana!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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