Monday, December 6, 2010

Darlings, If This Wasn't The Most Gorgeous Duet To Grace Television!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, girls, we finally caught up with the first half of the Sondheim Birthday Celebration; after all, I need something to calm myself down, after seeing Natalie Portman go off her bird in "Black Swan." What a feast for the eye and ear but the absolute highlight, I am telling you, is when Mr. Nathan Gunn, and Miss Audra McDonald stepped up and performed my favorite song--"Too Many Mornings" from "Follies"-- so effortlessly, so beautifully, I don't think it has been sung so well since John McMartin and the late Dorothy Collins originated it, back in 1971!!!!!!

As Monsieur Davide, who watched this with me, can attest, I cried REAL tears. I mean, from the opening reeds, to those gorgeous, soaring voices, to the haunting, ghostly finish, this was not only a brilliant rendition, but as Master Class in how to perfrom Musical Theater, by two Masters at the top of their form. No wonder the audience went wild. Even former Sallys Barbara Cook, Marin Mazie and Victoria Clark must have been impressed. "Follies," as my girls know, is a show about ghosts, and beleive me, they enveloped Nathan and Audra during this number. And while more delights followed (like Chip Zien and Joanna Gleason doing "It Takes Two" from "Into The Woods," looking and sounding like they never took a night off), this was a hard act to follow. I am telling you, after watching just this number, I was so emotionally spent, I fainted.

The concert in its entireity (which I hear includes Jim Walton, Ann Morrsion and Lonny Price doing selections from 'Merrily') is on DVD, and I am sure you can catch Nathan and Audra's moment on YouTube. However you view it, darlings, be sure not to miss it!!!!!!!!!

And, oh, how you will SWOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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