Monday, December 6, 2010

Darlings, Some Good News For All Us Tyler Clementi Admirers!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls, the millls grind exceedingly small, but they DO grind. The Raving Queen has just found out that this Sunday's season opener of the Bergen Youth Orchestra, is going to be dedicated to one of its most cherished members, the late Tyler Clementi, who, although not physically present, has a metaphysical visibility unmatched by anyone I have encountered recently. Not only will the performance be dedicated in his honor, but the concertmaster's chair (ie; the lead violinist, which he co-served for two years at his tender age!!!!!!!) will be named in his Honor.

Yes, darling, the outpouring of love for Tyler is still coming forth. And why not? Here was a dedicated musician who cared passionately about his art, and, as it turned out, about Humanity; according to Eugene Minor, the director of the BYO, Tyler Clementi had not planned on making music a career, though he certainly could have been labeled qualified enough to be headed in that direction. Rather, according to Mr. Minor, Tyler wanted to do something in the medical field, which showed not only a great intellectual propensity, but also a deeply humanistic one. I can tell you, lambs, I would have been proud to have been given a flu shot in future years by Tyler Clementi, or to be examined by him with no problems!!! Baby Dolls, I am telling you!!!!!!!

The point is the contributions he would have made in both fields have been unfortunately lost. So let us honor Tyler and what he stood for. I want to see as many of my girls in attendance at this concert, this coming Sunday. and I want you all to give a standing ovation and cheers for Tyler!!!!!!!!

And who knows, in that metaphysical void Tyler may be practicing what he was meant for, giving violin lessons and unicycle ones to the denizens of Heaven beyond. I can tell you, if I am fortunate to cross over, I am going to hit Tyler up for some cycle lessons!!!!!!!!!

But, alas his presence on Earth was curtailed all too tragically by that evil duo of Ravi and Wei, evermore to be linked to Clementi, whether they want to, or not. Their connection to him will never leave while they are alive...and even beyond. Let that just be the beginning of what is store for those two, who smite this all too promising young man by insensitively preying upon his youthful vulnerabilities. As a former CNN story went, the sadness of Tyler Clementi is not only that he committed suicide, but even more--that he felt he HAD to, that it was his ONLY choice!!!!!!!! And that came from his knowledge and awareness of having been raised in a homophobic culture, capped off by the ultimate betrayal by two of that culture's lowest life forms!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

However, Mr. Minor has said he does not want this to be a maudlin evening, or a politically overt one; rather, simply to celebrate the goodness that Tyler Clementi brought with him during his all too brief presence on Earth.

So honor Tyler and his family, once more, by turning out for this concert , girls!!!!!!! The spirit of true genius will be hovering above!!!!!!!!!!!

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